Funny And The Rest

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A list of things that make us go red in the face and show you aren't alone:

1. Falling over in public

2. Stomach grumbling when it's quiet

3. Realising your fly is undone

4. Gossiping about someone and then realising they're behind you

5. Bumping into an ex

6. Sending an embarrassing text to the wrong person

7. Having food stuck between your teeth

8. Leaving something on the bus/train

9. Getting your skirt stuck in your knickers

10. Someone walking in on you in the bathroom

Embarrassing Stories About Celebs

1. The most obvious one if J. Lawrence falling over at the Oscars or her dress falling apart! Poor girl!

2. When Jensen Ackles was a kid, he did some modelling for Superman Pyjamas and when he was older, his 'friends' found it and posted pictures all over the school! 

3. Olly Murs falling down the stairs at a concert whilst he was singing a song! He still carried on though, so fair play to him.

4. Kim Kardashian fell asleep with huge sunglasses on in the sun. As you can imagine she had a huge tan line on her face! 

5. Fergie wee'd herself on stage in 2005. Ew. However, she recovered from the embarrassment because she is now pregnant with husband Josh Duhammel.

Inspirational Quote That's Not By Wiz Khalifa or Drake: 

"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Tiny Matters Compared To What      Lies Within Us"   - Henry Stanley Haskins

Interpretation: It's not what you've done or will do that matters, it's who you are as a person that counts.                                                                                             


1. What's a teacher's favourite chocolate bar? A Topic. 

2. I was walking down the road when I saw an advert in a window that read: Television For Sale - £1 - Volume Stuck on full! And I thought to myself, 'I can't turn that down!' 

3. A phone starts ringing, so a girl answers it and says, "Who's Speaking Please?" And the other person goes, "You are."

4. A man rang up a gymnastics club and the pro asks, "How flexible are you?" And he replies, "I can do any day but Tuesdays."

Pick Up Lines: 

1. I didn't no angels could fly this low

2. If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

3. Are you religious? 'Cause you're the answer to all my prayers

4. Can I have directions? [To where?] To your heart

Issue One - July 2013Where stories live. Discover now