Make-Up Tips - Mascara

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This chapter will concentrate on Mascara! It's the essential item of make-up every girl needs. Even if you don't like make-up, if you put on a little mascara, it'll enhance your eyes before, well, your eyes and you'll be amazed at what it can do!

The photo on the side is the mascara I swear by! It's amazing and it's the best I've come across over the years. It's called Maybelline Colossal Mascara and the prices range from £6 - £8. At Superdrug it's £7.19 or 2 for £10!

Now for tips on how to put Mascara on properly (not that it's very hard once you get the hang of it!)

1. Start at the root of your eyelashes and wiggle the mascara wand forward to the tips. It's the root that makes your eyes stand out!

2. Make sure you wiggle the wand as you cover your eyelashes because it separates them, which is what you want! Nobody wants them all clumped together!

3. Try and get every lash, even the ones near the tear ducts!

4. Wait about 3-5 seconds before blinking to avoid smudges.

Other Great Mascaras:

1. Lancome Definicils

2. Maybelline Great Lash 

3. Rimmel Scandaleyes Lycra Flex

Issue One - July 2013Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora