Celeb Gossip

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1. Harry Styles watched the Sex and City box set whilst on tour! He told BBC Radio 1: "There's a couple of females who work with us and they do Sex and the City marathons all the time. Which is a great show by the way, I hadn't seen it before. I'm on Series 2 now." I haven't watched Sex in the City nor have I seen the films, but people keep recommending them! I might have to check them out now! Source: Digital Spy

2. Hugh Jackman said he wasn't ready to give up Wolverine yet! He's already starred in five films, and two being filmed now called The Wolverine and he's going to be in the sequel to X-Men: First Class. Now, if I'm going to give my opinion, I think this is awesome! Me and my dad have always been obsessed with comics and superhero films, so for this to come out is great! Plus he said he'd do an Avengers/ X-Men crossover which would be EVEN better! Source: Digital Spy

3. Related to X-Men is news that Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult are back together after filming the sequel to X-Men: First Class. They first got together after the first movie but due to work commitments called it off. Sources however have claimed that they're as tight as ever, with Hoult even going on a trip with Lawrence's family in Canada! I am in love with J. Lawrence, she is hilarious and her interviews crack me up all the time. I just hope they find away to stay together longer this time. Source: The Sun

4. Miley Cyrus claims that she doesn't mind 'alienating her fans'. The singer has recently come under scrutiny following her new single: 'We Can't Stop'. The lyrics include 'Dancing with Molly' which in an interview with The Sun claims that is the real lyrics unless you're a ten year old, then it's Dancing with Miley. This is the quote: "I'm not really worried about alienating fans. Everyone has to work on the things that they don't care about to get where they want to be." The last part of the quote referring to Disney and Hannah Montana. Although I didn't mind her growing up, I do believe that this is taking it a step too far, what do you think? Source: The Sun

Issue One - July 2013Where stories live. Discover now