I can't love you... You're my soulmate.

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Here is the sequel to Sold to the Vampyre Prince. yes it's the one with the y.

I know I have taken FOREVER to get this up but I wanted to make it just right for what I have in store for all of my lovely fans..

And I know ALL OF YOU have some type of hate for me because of the last chapter that I left you with but don't worry.. Everything happens for a reason..

And I hope all of the fans who said that they cried on the last chapter made me cry :'(. I hope you're all happy.

Now that that whole little explaination is over here is the first chapter! I hope you all like it! I worked really hard on it!!

I really hope this story becomes as popular as the one before it! :)

Chapter One

"Alexis you're leaving the house.." Luke says while trying to drag me off of the couch.

 "Noo!" I moan clinging to the couch.

 "Come on, Lexi!"

"I don't want to!"

 "You're 22 years old! You need to get out of the house! It's been a year! Are you not stir crazy!?"

"Leave me alone!"

"Mommy! Can we go to the library then get ice cream?!" Zach asks walking into the room. He looks at me and Luke with a raised eyebrow.

 "Ha! Now you have to go!" Luke exclaims in victory.

 "You asshole.." I mutter to Luke pushing him off of me.

 He just chuckles and leaves the room. I stand up, straighten out my clothes, then look at Zach. He smiles expectantly at me showing his tiny, ultra white fangs that are slightly extended from his gums.

 "Can Pen come?" Zach asks.

 "Pen is with Joel remember?" I say while tapping his nose.


I pick him up then fix his black jacket. It's December 12th and it's chilly outside.. Wait.. Why are we getting ice cream? It's too cold.

 "How about we drink the hot chocolate at the bookstore? It's too cold for ice cream." I suggest.

His forest green eyes brighten up at the thought of hot chocolate. He loves the stuff-especially from the local bookstore.

"Yes!" He cheers. He pratically jumps out of my arms to get his hat. I crack a smile at my four year old son. I take my coat out of the closet and put it on. I catch a glimpse of my apperance in my mirror.

 I look just as much as I did a year ago other than the soulmate mark on my left arm has disappeared as a new one reappeared on my right hip; a black panther with silver eyes. I'm not sure what it means but it won't go away. It almost comforts me though..

 It's been a whole year and one week without Kayden.. The first three months were horrible- I lost Kayden and the baby.. A tear runs down my face at the memory..

I lost my only connection to Kayden the day after he died. I just laid there, crying my eyes out to my lost love. I was completely numb to the world and didn't want to live anymore; in all it was horrible.

 The two after that Joel, with the help of Luke, finally got me to get out of the room. I got happier almost forgetting Kayden. Playing with my son, Zachary Damon, always made me smile.

 In all of that time I haven't ever left the castle grounds.

 I guess today's going to be different.

I can't love you... You're my soulmate.Where stories live. Discover now