Chapter 1

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Sunday morning at 8:25am, I wake up and rush do to everything before I go to dance. I eat my breakfast while I watch my brothers cartoons. I start a conversation with him but he just ignores me pretty much like everyone else in my house, they don't even know I dance or pretty much anything what happens in my life. I always say 'I'm going to dance" but no one answers or responds so I just go. Dance rehearsals start at 9:30am but I have to leave earlier as I have to take a bus what takes half an hour from my house to the ALDC LA. I arrived at the ALDC and I shed a little tear as I see everyone walk in with their moms except me. The only person I know here is Kalani so I go talk to her.
I see Brynn and she looks like she just cried. I asked her if she was okay and she said that she was a little teary from whats going on in her life. I wish I could adopt the poor girl. She hasn't been her happy self for 6 years ever since her family ignored her and took her out of their lifes.
Kalani has always been a good friend of mine. I have known her for most of my life and she has been there for me through everything. Im glad that I can be on the same team as one of my best friends.

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