Chapter 13 : First Love

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Author's Note: TW: Drugs


2 Years Ago

A 14-year old Aaralyn was waiting outside a classroom. She was wearing a basic blue t-shirt with skinny jeans. She had her natural black hair straight braided down her back. She was going for a simple look today.

She was waiting outside when Emily came up and stood next to her.

"Who are you waiting for?" she asked.

Emily was wearing a blue tank top that showed her pierced belly button and cleavage. And she was wearing short shorts. She had curled her hair and had a tint of make up making her face glow. She looked gorgeous and a bit older than she really was.

"I'm waiting for Davian," she replied.

Emily disliked Davian. Aarlayn's other best friend. They've know each other since 7th grade. Now they are in 9th grade and are freshman. She envied how Aaralyn had so many friends. That she didn't have anybody who copied her every move like Emily's followers did. She hated Aaralyn but also knew she envied her.

"Ah," she said keeping her friendly facade. She was looking around and her eyes spotted her crush. He was so handsome. She turned her eyes to another boy. Her actual boyfriend. His name is Evan, and he's very cute. But she didn't want him. Who she wanted was .. 

That's the problem. She doesn't know anything about him. Not even his name. 

She saw her crush checking out Aaralyn who was busy watching the classroom, waiting to go inside. She felt her stomach drop. How could he like Aaralyn? Emily was way prettier and better than her. She felt her eyes darken. 


"Yes, Emily?"

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"


"Would you like one?"

".. I guess," she replied, unsure.

"Can I hook you up with someone?"

"Depends, with who?" Aaralyn replied.

"Who do you want it to be?"

"Well, he would have to be nice, cute, smart, and taller than me."

"How about him?"

"Weren't you listening? I said I wanted him to be-"

Emily turned Aaralyn to see her crush. He had black hair that was spiked at the back. Had a band t-shirt with neon blue letters. with black pants.

"Who's he?" she asked.

"He was checking you out," she said looking at a small mirror she always carried with her.



"Hey, Aaralyn!" yelled a very excited Davian.

"Bye, Aaralyn," replied Emily as she walked away from the disgusting reunion.

"Bye, Emily!"

"Yeah, bye," she said, walking away trying not to hear their chatter. Emily walked into the cafeteria and waited for her crush to come in. 

Ten minutes passed, and he finally entered the cafeteria. He sat with his friends. She watched his moves hungrily. She wanted him. And she must have him. Then she thought of a plan. She took out her small mirror and checked her make up and pulled her shirt a little lower to show a bit more cleavage. She had no idea why she was so developed at her age, but she thanked the heavens for the advantage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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