The Plan

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Due to being neighbors with Enobaria, I had ample time to talk to her. She was a consistent guest in our house, much to Magdalena's pleasure. Even though she was not very fond of Enobaria, my mother said that I finally developed the interest to win. I never spent so much time with anyone outside the family like this before and somehow, with my determination for revenge, I hung into Enobaria's words. Aside from planning about my strategy for winning, I had my mentor tell me all about the Capitol and what her work there was. She told me stories about the certain charm of our main city. She said there is a never-ending party there and that Victors, like her, were made the guests-of-honor.

"What about your work there?" I asked Enobaria, leaning forward and meeting her dark eyes. I notice her slight discomfort and I wondered if her job was something to be embarrassed about. "You always disappear. You'd leave for a day or longer."

Enobaria's expression went angry, "You don't have to know. You're better off not knowing." She stood up from her seat inside our living room. I watched as Enobaria approach the big window, she seemed to be gazing at something much more interesting than our conversation now. She went silent for a moment, probably still contemplating on whether to answer my question or not. "Back to topic," Enobaria said finally, "What do you plan about Cato now? He looks deadly; he's strong and talented. He'll be a threat to you if you don't take advantage of what you have now."

"I don't know." I told Enobaria, "I don't know how to make him like me. We don't trust each other."

"He'll have to like you." Her words were firm that I know I had no other choice. "That boy is a threat and we will make it stay that way but not to you. He should be weak for you but a deadly adversary to everyone else." Enobaria faced me again, a smirk playing on her lips. "Make him want to protect you. Play the Johanna card for him."

I raised an eyebrow, "Johanna card?"

Enobaria shrugged at my confusion, as though I should know this already, "She's the Victor who played weak then showed her true side when the arena came down to a handful of players." She walked forward slowly, "Play weak for Cato. No man can resist a damsel in distress, especially not someone as dominant as him."

"I will not play weak for anybody." I frowned, crossing my arms over my chest, "And I certainly don't want to play weak for someone like Cato. He'd look down on me and that's not something I want. I want him to see me as an equal or probably even a superior."

That was the line I would never cross. I, Clove Holt, no matter how small I was compared to any other trainee in the Center, is strong. I wasn't the one to be reckoned with. I was the ideal tribute for someone who valued stealth and speed rather than brawns alone. Being weak for someone like Cato, whom I have loathed for his power, was not going to happen.

"Do you want to win or not?"

Her question conjured an instant response for me, "Of course!"

Enobaria flashed her fangs at me and I shuddered, "Then do it." She leaned forward, "All is fair in love and war. And Clove baby, this is war."

I don't know how but Enobaria managed to convince me to do it. It'll be hard, I thought, I haven't been talking to Cato for almost a week now and he'll think I'm trying to pull something on him if I talk to him today. As I walked towards the Center, I polished the plan I managed to piece together and the excuses I cooked up just this morning.

Cato was outside, leaning on the door with his arms crossed. He was so early that he arrived before our Trainers do. He looked deep in thought, his pale eyebrows knitted closely together. He then lifted himself from the door and opened his bag which was resting on the ground. He pulled out a notebook then began scribbling away, his face finally softening as he wrote. It was a strange sight, I never saw him mellow out like this. Maybe I was wrong about him again...maybe he wasn't brutal.

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