The Twist

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His house was not actually what I have expected. It was not like mine but of course, I lived in the Victor's Village. It was simple and modest to say the least. Cato had invited me there the next day we had training; he said his mother wanted to meet the other Tribute who would be coming with him to the Games. I don't know if that was going to be a good thing or not but I opted not to tell him about what ideas I had in my mind. We immediately left the Training Center when Ram dismissed us; he said we were getting better.

We walked for a few minutes and then I saw his house. I could remember what I thought about him when he had beaten me the first time. There were so many things I wanted to take back - he was so different from what I have known before. Like I have said many times already, he seemed so human... so tangible... so vulnerable... that I don't think I could compete against this person in the Games.

I would never say this to anyone- well, as if I have anybody else to share this with - but I'm finding a hard time to find it in myself to be competitive. It may be so ridiculous for people to take it in since they've known me to be ruthless but I did feel that way.

Damn. Human qualities make me suck so damn bad.

"Hey Clove. Come on in." I snapped out of my trance and looked at Cato who was already making his way towards the door. When I came closer, I could hear faint sounds of what seems to be...laughter?

The interior of Cato's house was not the way I imagined it would be. The room I stepped into was a big one which was converted into a living room at the right and then the dining at the left. There were two identical little boys running around and screaming at the top of their lungs; they were both blonde and blue-eyed like Cato - these must be his brothers. A smaller girl was standing by the doorway near the dining area, looking at me with her wide blue eyes. She was holding a patched up pink bunny close to her. When she realized that I was looking at her, the little girl blushed red and ran in the room.

I heard Cato laugh beside me, "That was my little sister, she's five. Cassandra." He paused when the two boys stopped at the sound of his voice and ran up to hug him, "These two are my twin brothers, Cyril and Cyrus." The two boys lifted their eyes towards me, and I saw how much both looked like Cato... only younger... and much more vulnerable. "They're both seven."

My lips lifted at the sides, forming a small but almost recognizable smile. I wasn't really used to socializing with children since I never had the chance to. I thought they were a menace because of their undirected energy and enthusiasm. I also thought that their optimistic view on life was naive and a bit stupid... Now that I only had less than a week to actually live, I thought it was a good thing to have. They were pure... and untainted by the reality that soon they'd be picked and possibly killed in the Games.

"Clove?" Cato broke my train of thoughts by patting my shoulder, "Clove."

I shook my head and realized that Cato's sister, Cassandra, was out and was clutching on the skirt of an older woman with long blonde hair and pale blue eyes. She looked tired, unlike Magdalena, but somehow she seemed happy. Was this Cato's mother? I have never seen her before.

"You must be Clove Holt." The woman spoke with a voice which made me smile wider. She sounded so loving and sweet, unlike people here in the district. "I'm Cato's mother, Celestine." She stepped forward and offered her dainty little hand for me to shake. When I took it, I felt roughness in her hand. I didn't say anything about it and hoped that no reaction came out from my face. "So," She continued when she lowered her hand, "You must be hungry, after all that training that you do. Let's go eat?"

What was a person to do? No cold-hearted person would be able to say no to her so I went and had dinner with them. I was quiet the whole time but the family was boisterous; they shared jokes and stories which was so different from the dinners I shared with my mother and grandmother. Apparently, Cato's mother worked in the near factory, where they produced weapons for the Peacekeepers. Celestine told me that this was where Cato developed a liking for weaponry (he apparently went to work with Celestine to help out during weekends).

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