||First Times|| Vergil ||

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Silence, an exchange of books from one to the other and a large smile over the woman's face and their normal routine was finished. That was the way it had been since it had started, when Lexia had become Vergil's pillar of sanity amidst the 'crowd' in Devil May Cry. Rekka was just too much akin to Dante for Vergil to adequately get along with on a daily basis and thus he had often taken to being nearer to Lexia when it was needed that he be anywhere near the group.

Of course he hadn't expected for him to take a rather liking to the girl to the point where he wanted to see her. For the natural loner who despised most company in general this realization had caught him off guard and had caused him to resent this happening, though there wasn't much he could do about it.

So their exchange would continue whenever he was around and each one was in need of a new book to read.

It was obvious that Lexia did her best to keep him the closest he would ever be to 'happy' as well. Over the weeks she had begun to learn which books he steered towards to read and did her best to keep towards that while also picking up a few she figured he might like to try out as well.

So that day it was no surprise that Lexia was smiling brightly at him, a stack of books in her arms as he strode up to her as he always did. Yamato was in one hand and a few books for her in his other, as it always had been.

No words were exchanged, not that Lexia could manage it, having lost her voice before Vergil had met her as the books were passed between the two.

Naturally today was the day that his heart was beating rather rapidly over what he was planning on doing. If he did this maybe he would stop with this damnable feeling. Though Vergil rather disliked how his body was reacting against his wishes.

Lexia blinked as a hand at her chin tilted her face up towards his before Vergil's lips were on hers in a chaste kiss. Before she had time to even react to this strange and rather out of character action from the cold man Vergil had pulled away and spun on his heel to leave as he always did, silently.

Lexia was left to flush bright red and wonder what that had been about....


Lexia pouted, brow furrowed at the stares she was receiving from Dante and Rekka upon entering Devil May Cry. The book exchanges with Vergil usually took place out of the shop so as to keep the man from being irritated by these two. However, it seemed Lexia hadn't waited long enough as her face must've still been pink or maybe it was some other form of her demeanor that gave it away....

"She took a rather long time, babe, maybe they actually did something...." Dante suggested, though a look of disbelief was still upon his face at this. He just couldn't imagine his brother getting it on with anyone.

"No," Rekka murmured, eyes narrowing in thought as she stare at Lexia who attempted to stare back unabashed. "If that happened Lexia would be in a coma she's so shy."

Lexia sighed at that accusation though she couldn't deny it. Though she soon jumped and her eyes widened as Rekka suddenly shouted excitedly; "HE TOTALLY GOT TO FIRST BASE!"

Rekka was promptly smacked in the face with Lexia's sketch pad for the comment before the blond woman hurried out of Dante's shop in embarrassment. Dante's laughter rang out in the air after her.

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