Chapter Seven

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 ~*~Dedicated to this girl because she loves this book so much. Hope you continue to read it ~*~

            It’s my first day back to school after the accident. It’s been a week, my parents’ refused to let us go in saying they don’t want to worry about us being in pain or just making some excuse as to why we shouldn’t go for the rest of the week. We did get a doctor’s note saying we didn’t have to, but being home with a broken ankle only limited my activity. Being home for a week straight, that was just brutal. But on Friday my mom planned a sleep over for the girls my age so the weekend turned out pretty great. Other than that, the whole week everyone was coming over to see how we were all doing. My mom barely got hurt, which I’m thankful for. The doctors told me the car was hit on the passenger side so that’s why Tamara and I got hurt worse than my mom.

            My mom says she won’t be able to take us to school because Zeina is staying home. So she just drops us off at the bus stop since I can’t walk. The five people who are at the bus stop to look at me. “Oh, and I was thinking you finally transferred to another school.” The girl that hates me says. You see I could easily find out her name, but do I care about what her name is, no. I don’t. It’ll make my whole life a lot easier if I don’t involve myself around her. Which is why I decide to ignore her.

            “Stop being such a bitch Brianna.” One of the girls say to her. “Try making a friend before you start talking shit about other girls who don’t even do anything to you.” She adds. I smile at her and she smiles back. The bus gets here and everyone lets me go first since I’m on crutches but I wave my hand letting them go.

            “I’ll just slow you guys down.” I say and they understand before each of them get on the bus.

            “Give me your bags.” Jihad says to both Tamara me. I hand him mine and Tamara says she got hers handled. He helps me get onto the bus after Tamara gets on and I tell her to go to the back so that way nobody could stare at me.

            I smile at Kevin who smiles back at me asking how we’re doing. After I answer saying good I sit in my spot, or should I say Troy’s spot. I smile at the thought of sitting here just to annoy him because I know he’ll come here and start huffing and puffing like an angry baby. Surprisingly when he comes on he just sits on the other seat and smiles at me before he realizes the crutches. “What the hell happened to you?” He asks turning in his seat to look at me.

            “Car accident.” Is all I say to him. His eyes widen and he looks concerned. “It looks worse than how it feels. So please don’t ask if I’m fine, because I am. If I weren’t I wouldn’t be here.” I say and he nods his head going back to what he was doing.

            As we park in the school, the bus driver tells Tamara and I we have to get off the bus before it gets too crowded outside. Jihad takes my bag and helps us off the bus. He walks us to the nurses office and shows her the doctors note which states that neither Tamara nor I could play in gym, and we could both leave five minutes early for each class so we could get to our next class on time. I take both notes and Jihad walks us to homeroom. “Do you need me to come back to take you guys to your next class?” He asks.

            “Jihad, just go to class, I’m more than capable of hold Sara’s bag. Don’t worry about us. We’ll see you in lunch okay?’

            “Okay fine, but if you do need me just text me okay?” We agree before he walks away.

            During all our classes everyone keeps staring at me. Are we the first ones to ever get hurt in this school, because it sure as hell seems like it. We sit next to Dalia who smiles at us. “How are you guys feeling?” She asks.

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