No Turning Back (A Black Butler/ Kuroshitsuji Story)

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Even before I opened my eyes, fear was clenching onto my heart. I hadn’t even gotten the chance to fully understand what was going on as I came to, eyelids heavy with sleep.

“Lucinda! Lucinda, you need to run! Wake up!

Recognizing the voice to be my step mother, Heather, I shot straight up in bed and threw my black comforters off, quietly walking over to my door that was cracked open. Fear choked me, but kept me quiet as I listened to something heavy being dragged across our carpeted hallway.

Peeking through the crack in my door, I managed to cover my mouth to keep myself from screaming in shock.

Outside in the hallway, men clothed in black were hauling Heather by her arms towards the basement. Her head remained down, making me think for a second that they knocked her out, until the sounds of her weeping reached me.

Goosebumps rose on my arms and legs.

What the hell are they doing? Are they burglars? No, Heather has a bat under her and dad’s bed; she would have taken them out by now. Now that I look' she isn’t even fighting them...maybe she got in some financial trouble?

No, that can’t be either. Heather is smart enough to keep herself out of that kind of shit.

Wiping my sweaty palms on my baggy sweat pants, I quietly tip toed over to my wooden dresser on the other side of my room and brought out my switch blade that I bought off a friend. After I got jumped by a couple of neighboring assholes, I made it a priority to keep a weapon on hand.

The cold metal hilt felt good in my heated palms as I looked it over, making sure it’ll work if I need to use it.  Hopefully I won’t and I can get out of here safely...

A sudden shrill scream had my body cemented to the ground, my hearted pounding against my rib cage a mile a minute. Oh God no…

Slowly, I turned my head over my shoulder to see through the sliver in the door and almost fell over when I saw another man clad in black dragging my little sister, Beth by her brown hair. No, no not Beth! They are not going to hurt my little sister!

She writhed in the man’s grubby grasp, but couldn’t get away from him. Tears of pain and frustration streamed down her pale freckled cheeks as she opened her mouth to scream again.

My mom used to always tell me that I should think before I act; I never did listen to her.

So it was no surprise when my temper blew its top and I charged out of my room and at the man.

 With the knife in hand, I thrust up and buried it in the man’s hip, causing him to let go of Beth. Screaming in frustration and what I’m hoping pain, I froze in place watching the man collapse on the ground, trying to pull the blade out of his body.

Beth’s sobbing is what finally snapped me out of my ordeal. My black hair stuck to the back of my neck as I sweat from the nerves. I need to get Beth and me to safety before someone hears the guy’s screams…

I crouched down to the small seven year old girl, wrapping her up in my thin pale arms as she sobbed into my shoulder and shook. Just when I think I’m home free, it wasn’t a second later when I was pulled away from her, arms clawing roughly at my waist. Twisting and swearing, I tried my hardest to get out of their grasp, using up all my strength when I managed to punch one of the guy’s in the face.

“Let go of me, you dicks! Don’t touch Beth or I swear I’ll kill you!” I shouted, struggling from under another’s arms.

It was a big ball of limbs, grabbing at my arms and legs as I writhed underneath the bodies, trying to get them away. Get the fuck off, damnit!

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