A Second Chance: Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

Hey guys, this is my first story on this account! So please vote, comment, and even fan if you like it. Tell me what you think of it, and if I should continue writing, thanks xoxo.




I tapped my pen on my desk persistently, anxious for time to quicken its pace so I could finally leave work. I was a single, middle aged, unmarried woman. Heck, I couldn't even name you one man that has ever had a romantic interest in me. None the less, job was my life. I was going to earn a promotion tomorrow, and further succeed with my career. I've always dreamed about becoming a Vice President for CBA Co.

I've already worked long hours, and I even sacrificed six years of my life waiting until the day that I earn the big promotion. But after all those years of work, and all that time that I put in, there was still that one man who could be a potential threat to my promotion.

David Franstic.

David is a very charismatic man. He will outlay any compliment and flattery until he gets his way. It's how he schmoozes people, and it often runs through my curiosity how it always seems to work. I guess you could say he's popular among the office. He attends all the office parties, and even throws many of them. He's only been working here for two years, and he's at the same position as me!

How may you ask?

Well, simple. His constant flattery towards the boss, and other co-workers. My goodness, he flaunts it as if it was a special gift from God. At the moment we're both competing for Vice President position, and I'm really starting to wonder if all the years of hard work I put in are actually paying off? It's starting to feel like high school all over again. Where it's all about the connections, and the most popular one indeeds always gets what they want.

But where does that leave the rest of us hard workers? 

I had a good feeling about tomorrow. It was my time finally, the underdog, to get her happy ending after all. Mr. Willox, the founder and CEO of this company, already pulled me aside earlier and told me eventually hard work does pay off - and it's my time to shine.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon, and I still had two more hours until I could go home. I wanted the day to be through with already, so that tomorrow will come quicker.

I imagined myself being the Vice President, it was as if I won a million bucks.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted when Rose slapped a stack of papers onto my desk. I shook hesitantly from the sound, and let out a tiny scream from the sudden outburst. l lifted my hand to my heart breathing heavily, as I could feel my hearts pulse beat quicken, as if it's ready to explode.

"Rose! You scared me!" I whispered with the little breath I had. 

She chuckled and flipped her short, and frizzy red hair behind her.

Her skin was very pale, you could outline the blue veins under her eyes, and even through out her body. It was definitely obvious she had spent no time outside.

"Sorry Paulina, I didn't mean to scare you like that." She began to blush, and you could see the blood rushing to her cheeks.

Rose was a new intern here, and she was trying her best to get along with the co-workers, and even trying to get a promotion to anything higher, or even better than a mail room clerk.

A Second Chance **Watty Awards**Where stories live. Discover now