Chapter 7.

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It's a lot like life

This play between the sheets

With you on top and me underneath

Forget all about equality

Freya felt the burning sensation of the hair stylist pressing the curling tongs against her ear while he looked at Echo with an expression of total devotion.

Typical that just being with Echo would cause everyman to melt. “Ouch”. She cried as the tongs seared her skin making her look up at him with a scornful expression on her face.

“Oh sorry”. He said not taking his eyes off Echo; she was lying back asleep on the couch, a magazine strewn on the floor inches away, and Freya’s phone on her lap.

The sight of Freya’s ancient nokia had reduced Echo to laughter earlier in the day, something that soon stopped when she found snake, after playing with it for three hours, at one stage crying in frustration whenever she died- she eventually fell asleep.

Flicking through her magazine while the perverted hairstylist cut her hair half heartedly, she came on an article about Tristan and his supermodel girlfriend Saskia, the pictures were taken at a fashion show earlier in the month, Tristan looked tetchy and withdrawn while Saskia gazed at him with total adoration. Freya felt her stomach flip as she looked at the gorgeous couple together; they looked like something mythical with their combined beauty.

Saskia was small and blonde, less robust than Freya and frail making her look like a beautiful butterfly, her hair at least five shades lighter than Freya’s own was cut into a bob, her face dainty and beautiful.

Freya sighed looking in the stylists mirror felt like groaning. No one would ever describe her as dainty, taking after Jamie in the height department meant that she was tall for a girl, her eyes too bright for her face.

Suddenly she was brought out of her little one person pity party by the shrill ringing of her phone waking Echo up with a jump in the process.

Freya motioned for her to answer it making Echo roll her eyes but dutifully answered. “Hello?” Echo answered in her husky voice making her sound like her mother. “No, it’s Echo”. Freya heard the scream on the opposite side of the room, pitying Echo’s poor eardrums.

She ran over then throwing the phone to Freya with an ‘it’s your problem not mine’ gesture before sitting back on the couch.

“Hello Luis?” she said down the phone hearing a panting breathless voice on the other end.

“She spoke to me”. He said sounding like he was either going to scream again, cry, laugh or all three at once.

“She does talk, a little too often if you ask me”. Freya said with a grin, finding Luis’s attitude to her new found family hilarious.

“I heard that bitch”. Echo said laughing, throwing a cushion at Freya.

“She’s laughing. Oh it sounds like angels frolicking”. Luis’s said devotedly making Freya laugh again, the noise coming out in a strangled way.

“First of all, you couldn’t get any creepier at this moment, and second of all- did you seriously just say frolicking?” Freya asked rolling her eyes.

The sound of a tannoy was heard over the phone. “Luis where are you? You sound like you’re in an airport”. She asked squinting as it got harder to hear him.

“Well that’s because I am in an airport, In an English airport to be precise”. He said a little guiltily. “I decided my best friend needed me”. He said sounding protective.

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