Chapter Twelve: It's Turned So Cold

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I knocked on the door, praying that there would be an answer, praying I would find help.

The door did open, and the face of Marius Pontmercy appeared before me. He smiled and perhaps was about to offer a greeting but he looked at my fearful visage and stopped.

"What is wrong?" He asked immediately.

"My friend, Sylvia, is ill and I know not what to do! Do you know where Joly lives and Jehan, perchance?" I choked out between pants. I had run all the way here as quickly as my legs allowed and it was showing. My mouth was also desperate for a breath of warm air after racing through snow and ice.

"I know where Joly lives, it is not far, but I am not aware of where Jehan is. I will ask Enjolras, he is in the Café."

Just as Marius spoke his name, he came rushing up the stairs behind me, dressed in his usual fine red waistcoat and black trousers and boots. Enjolras met my eyes and did not look away even when he reached the top

"What is going on?" He asked me, his blue eyes imploring.

"Sylvia is sick, she asked for Jehan and I need Joly to help her." I informed him.

"I will call for a carriage immediately, Joly just arrived at the Café Musain and I know where to find Jehan." Enjolras began to lead me down the stairs. "Marius, if you see Jehan anywhere, please inform him of the matter!"

"I will!" Marius responded. Enjolras continued to lead me down the stairs and out to the streets. He waved at a horseman, who pulled his carriage to a stop. Enjolras gave the man the addresses and paid the man, despite whatever objection I could claim. Enjolras then assisted me into the carriage and came in after me and closed the door. We trotted off.

I had never been in a carriage before, but it was exquisite. The cushions were lined with a burgundy velvet and had black silk curtains in front of the windows. I couldn't resist stroking the smooth fabrics partly because it was so soft and partly because I needed something to occupy my attention due to my fear over Sylvia's illness. My other hand sat anxiously in my lap while I bit roughly of my lower lip.

Enjolras seemed to sense this because he placed a hand on my shoulder, bringing to my attention to the fact that I had been shaking.

"Breathe, Sylvia will be fine, I promise you." He said softly, and I let out a shaky exhale followed by quick and anxious breaths.

I said nothing, but reliving the memory brought of Sylvia's desperate pleas brought on the threat of tears. They began to well in my eyes and I turned away and folded my arms over my ribcage.

The tears fought their way down my cheeks anyway. I bent my head down in a futile attempt to hide it, because Enjolras had noticed during his observation of me.

I did not anticipate Enjolras's next touch, because it was something more. He reached for me and pulled me into a comforting embrace. He was hesitant and stiffened at first, but then he relaxed and gently stroked my hair.

"Thank you," I whispered, "forgive me for behaving this way."

"No need, I would feel just as worried if it were one of my friends." Enjolras said delicately. We remained in each others' arms for another moment until the carriage pulled to a stop and he slowly removed himself from me. I berated myself in my head for longing for the touch to remain. Enjolras stepped out and returned in a matter of seconds with Joly entering after him.

"Bonjour, Monsieur Joly," I said, managing to compose myself.

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle Patria, might I ask the reason of the urgency of this situation?"

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