C H A P T E R T W E L V E | A Oneway Ticket To Hell

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Paige (20 years old)
I sat at the desk in my office, scrolling through the members of the Shadow Rogue pack on my computer. Finally, at the very bottom of the list, was the alpha.

Finn Shard, alpha of the Shadow Rogues. Age 47. Information: Alpha Finn's mate, Lilyanna Shard, was killed ten years ago by the Northern Ivory Pack, aged 35, causing Finn to go insane and turn into a rogue alpha, I read to myself.

Hold up. The Northern Ivory Pack is our pack, May reminded me.

Duh, I already knew that, im the flippin' alpha. I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which, it was..!

No, Paige. What I mean is, when Finn said your parents did something to him, he must have meant that they killed his mate, she said.

Ohhhhh! No wonder he wants us then. I said. Yeah, but, I gotta admit, I do feel kinda sorry for him, May replied.

Why? I asked her.

He has no mate, Paige. You know how that feels. And to make things worse, he had a mate, but we killed her, She answered.

For the record, we didn't kill her, my parents did. And whose side are you even on? I asked her.

Well...she trailed off.

May! I said in disbelief.

Jk, Paige! You know, humour? I'm on your side, I'm just saying that I feel bad for him. She said.

OkayI was interupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!!" I yelled, so whoever was on the other side of the door could hear.

The door knob twisted and Amber, Ronnie, Bonita and Henry walked in.

"You okay?" Amber asked, grabbing a chair and sitting next to me.

"Yeah. You seemed stressed, and stress is not good for the hair, it makes it go grey," Bonita added. Everyone looked at her and laughed, then turned the attention on me.

"I'm fine," I sighed. "I just — I just dont feel like im being a good alpha," I gave in, looking down at my arm, my gaze focused on the alpha stamp.

"Are you serious? You're being a great alpha, Paige. Anyone who can take down four rogue attacks in one week is the best alpha in the world." Ronnie said. "Isn't she, Henry?" He added, elbowing Henry in the side.

"Ow man, what was that for?"

Ronnie glared at him.

"Oh, yeah, right." He nodded his head, finally realising what we were talking about.

We all laughed at him and he blushed, which made us laugh harder.

"Okay, Paige. We're always here if you need us." Amber said, leading the rest of them out of my office with a simple goodbye.

About five minutes later, I heard a smaller knock on the door, like someone little.

"Yes?" I asked gently, and the door slowly creaked open revealing Charlie and Lewis. The little seven year olds ran in and hugged me, crying on my shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked them, rubbing there backs. Charlie looked up at me and I saw she had a black eye, and then Lewis looked at me, revealing a chipped tooth. I growled.

"Who did this to you?" I asked them.

"Frank." They both sobbed.

Frank is one of the trainers sons. He's nine years old, and a real bully.

"Do you know why?" I asked them, rubbing their backs soothingly.

"He called me a baby because I was playing with dolls, and then Lewis tried to stick up for me. He said he would tell you because Frank made me cry. And then Frank punched him in the mouth, so I got up to stop him, and he punched me in the eye!" Charlie cried.

"Don't worry, Charlie. Frank just bought a one way ticket to hell." I growled, then got up and stalked my way towards the door.

Frank, here I come.

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