C H A P T E R N I N E | Part Two

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Paige (18 years old)
Now that my make up was complete, I walked out of my bedroom and down the wooden stairs towards the lounge room.

Once I was down there, everyone looked at me in awe. I smiled and waved, then walked the rest of the way down the stairs.

"Your parents would be proud," I heard someone say.

I turned around and looked in Ronnie's green eyes.

"Yeah, If only they were here," I sighed. He smiled at me, then nodded his head to the dining room.

"Come on, let's eat before the big event." He smiled. I laughed, but followed him anyway.

Even though Ronnie was 2 years younger than me, he really did sound like my 'older brother', even though we weren't related.

Charlie and Lewis ran up to me excitedly. The five year olds cheerfully smiled at me, gave me a high five, then sprinted off again.

They are sooo energetic, I think to myself.

You can say that again, May agreed.

They are sooo energetic, I mentally smirked. She growled, and was about to say something but I blocked her out.

I chuckled softly, then continued walking to the dining room.

"Alpha," The guards said simply, bowing respectively.

"Oh, please. I'm not even the alpha yet, and when I am, please call me Paige. Alpha sounds too masculine," I said.

"Yes, of course, Alpha," He mumbled the last part.

I gave him a playful glare, then continued into the dining room.

"Is that the future alpha!?" I heard someone whisper. I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I listened to the rest of the conversation.

"Why, yes. I believe it is," I heard the mother reply.

"She's beautiful!" The girl whispered once more. I stopped listening at that and sat down at the dining table.

Soon enough everyone started eating their lunch.

"So, Alpha-" I shot the man a glare. "-Paige, why are you becoming the Alpha? Why not your mate?" He continued.

Pain shot through my body. Not the physical pain, but the mental pain. The sad type. I dropped my knife and fork, and everyone gasped. They all know, why doesn't he?

"I don't have a mate..." I whispered. He looked at me, eyes full of regret.

"Oh, I'm – I'm sorry, I didn't..." he started, but then trailed off when he saw me crying.

"Woah girl, hold it. You're gonna make you mascara run," Bonita says, running over to me.

"Are you seriously talking about her make up in this situation, Bonita?" Amber asked.

"Sorry," Bonita mumbled.

Amber, Bonita, Ronnie and Henry ran up to me. They helped me out of the chair. I stood up, then turned and ran the hell out of there, which, by the way, killed in those shoes.

I heard my friends follow me as I walked towards my bedroom. I turned around and shut and locked the door.

"Hun, let us in!!!" Bonita yelled, banging on the door.

"No!!" I yelled back.

"No!!" Paige yelled back.

Whoever started this I'm gonna rip him to shreds, I told my wolf, Flame.

I'm with ya, she replied.

Even though I have a mate, I always think of how others don't, especially when it comes to Paige.

"Please, Paige? We can help!" I say. I heard the door unlock. Paige opened it up and smiled sadly at us.

"Favouritism," Bonita mumbles, but I think we all heard.

We all bursted out laughing, and Bonita's face went bright red, which made us laugh harder.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up," She huffed. Henry pulled her into him.

"Bonnie, it's fine. Were just having a little laugh," He said.

After our little — okay, big — laughing session, we eventually helped Paige clean up, which was really just re-applying her mascara and eyeliner.

Soon enough, it was time for the ceremony, and Paige was all set.

We walked back down the stairs, and I shot the man that started the whole thing a glare. He looked at the ground as we walked past into the main hall. Everyone was seated. Myself, Ronnie, Bonita and Henry, along with Paige, stood in the door way, waiting for our names to be called up.

Once everyone was seated, our names were called up. Paige walked through the middle of the hall first, then Bonita and Henry, and then Ronnie and I.

"Paige? Do you accept the terms and conditions of being an alpha? Respecting the packs laws and abilities. Making sure the pack is kept safe, and are following the rules?" The elder wolf asked, reading out of the old 'Werewolf Laws' book.

"I do," Paige said. You could hear the shaking in her voice; she was extremely nervous. The man smiled, then pulled out the burning stamp from the red hot flame.

When you become a higher status than everyone else in the pack, either the Luna, the Alpha, a beta, a gamma, or in some cases the delta, you get the burning stamp. The alpha gets a wolf howling at me moon, the luna gets a wolf in the air, the beta gets a growling wolf, beta female gets a half human face half wolf face, the gamma gets a wolf eye and so does the gamma female. I have no idea what the deltas get, because as this is a medium sized pack we don't have any deltas. The stamp is like when the farmer burns the number into a horse, or a pig.

It hurts like crazy, so I've heard, but the pain goes away when they tip a cup of cold water where the stamp was placed. Then it stays there forever, unless you lose your status or gain a higher status.

The elder wolf held the alpha stamp, and Paige held out her arm. He placed the burning piece of hot metal onto Paige's forearm. You could tell she was holding back tears. The stamp was held on her skin for 10 long seconds, then was removed, followed but a cup of cold water splashed over the burn.

Relief washed over Paige's face as the cold water touched the burn. When all the water was dry, the process was complete. Paige held her arm up, showing everyone in this hall, that she was the Female Alpha.

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