Confessions of a Tomboy

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PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS A/N! Okay, so I realize the first few chapters are REALLY bad. I'm editing it on Word AND on here so, it will get better. Chapter 7 Part One is how I normally write. I'm quite aware the beginning is slightly (maybe very...) boring. But, please trust me when I say it's worth your time to read. :X


"TYLER!" Someone called, dragging my attention away from C.O.D. I paused the game.

"Ty, what the fuck was that for?! I was about to beat my kill streak!" Will shouted. I rolled my eyes and threw my controller at him. It knocked him in the face. I burst out laughing and fell off my chair. His green eyes narrowed as he watched me.

"You think that's funny?" He sneered, standing. I kept laughing.

"If I didn't think it was so funny, why am I laughing dipshit?" I spat, kicking his shin lightly. He bent down, lifting me off the ground and threw me over his shoulder. I squirmed and kicked, earning laughs from my twin, Alex, Ryan, and James.

"You fuckers! Stop laughing and make him put me down!" I shouted, pushing myself up so I could glare at them. James laughed, taking me from Will. He set me on the ground, brushing my shoulders off.

"There you go Princess Tyler." He said, batting his eye lashes. I balled up my fists and punched him in the shoulder. He fell over, writhing around on the floor.

"TYLER MARIE!!! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" I heard. My eyes narrowed. I hated my middle name. It was so girly it made me nauseous.

"Coming mom!" I shouted back walking out of the room. I hopped onto the railing and slid down the stairs, my dark blonde hair flying over my shoulders. I flew off the end, landing with expert precision.

"Yes mom?" I asked, walking into the kitchen. She turned away from the stove, handing me a gigantic bowl of popcorn and several movies.

"Here. The guys are staying over tonight, so I rented some movies and got y'all some teenager food." I took the bowl and the discs, laughing.

"Teenager food...?" She sighed, wiping little beads of sweat off of her face.

"Junk food. I don't eat that crap and neither does your father." She said, reaching out and brushing some hair out of my face.

"Oh! That food! The good stuff!" I started laughing. "I take it the rest of it is in the mini fridge?" She nodded and I ran back up the stairs, into the game room.

"I brought food and movies!"

"What movies?" James called out, his blue eyes finally leaving the TV.

"I have no idea...It looks like a few horrors and...ew...a romantic comedy. That's just child cruelty." I said, chucking it aside. I plopped down on the couch, throwing popcorn into the air and catching it with my mouth. The couch sank next to me and I looked over. Will was sitting next to me, watching me. What the hell was his problem?

"Give me that." He said, reaching for the bowl. I shook my head, smacking his hand away.

"Nope. You can go get something from the fridge." I said, elbowing him. James laughed, opening the DVD player and putting in a random disc. Alex sat next to me and reached for the popcorn as well. But when I denied him the delicious snack treat, he licked me.

"ALEXANDER! THAT IS SO GROSS!" I screamed, wiping my arm on Will's shirt. Will didn't seem phased at all.

"Tyler, Tyler, Tyler...I'm your twin. We have the same DNA." He said, grabbing the bowl from my lap. I got up and stormed out of the room, returning with a giant bag of M&M's. I ripped it open, pouring half of the bag into the bowl. Alex recoiled in horror.

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