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I'd finally caught up to talking with Theresa who was more than ecstatic to have something we could discuss.

She cleared her schedule to have a spa date with me in the living room. Bribing Derrick and Ami to act as our massage therapists. They both seemed like they didn't mind.

"I'm so glad you reached out to me Sophia, I was beginning to worry you never would."

"I didn't know how to ask for your time. To be honest you're kind of intimidating."

She chuckles squeezing my hand, "Soph my dear when you see as much as I have it takes a toll on you."

I nod in understanding. Here I am moping about losing Tristan never considering what she must be feeling having lost her only son.

"I feel so rude, how are you and Gerry doing?"

She sighs dropping her hand, "Exhausted to be honest. Gerry is consumed with finding Tristan or his killers. I'm worried sick over you trying to do all I can to distract myself." She chokes on her words getting teary eyed wiping them quickly.

I feel so bad.

"And you Sophia? How's my grand baby?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh no is something wrong?" She panics.

"No no Theresa the baby is fine. Trust me if something was wrong I wouldn't be this calm."

She relaxes in her seat waiting for me to continue. "Um how was your pregnancy with Tristan? I don't know what I should be expecting during all of this."

Theresa beams at me like she's been waiting for us to have this discussion.

"Well you know what to expect from a growing half Pure, because of Derrick here." He winks going back to massaging my feet.

"Gosh I wish Tina was alive so you could get her play by play."

That must be Derrick's mother.

"For me it was odd, I felt like my baby was growing extremely fast. Although I expected that it just seemed unbelievably quick."

I wish my baby would hurry up.

"Pure Alphas are impatient little things. They just grow and don't stop, for you it must feel like a lifetime."

I nod in agreement, "It feels like it'll never come."

"Yes the beginning does feel like it's dragging. No worries how far along are you like 4 months?"

"Mhm 4 months next week." I say rubbing my belly.

"Wow." She sighs. "I was a little bigger than you at that stage. Tristan was a fiesty baby, he constantly moved. Always kicking I swore he was going to play soccer."

Thinking about him warms my heart.

"Our fetuses develop faster than an average baby. However yours might be closer to that of a human because your baby is only half Were."

"So I'll be full term by the usual 9 months?"

She nods. "Yep. Tristan was full term by Month 6. It also helps that I'm a pure Were. It kind of sped things along."


"Sophia, do you have crazy mood swings?"

Thinking it over I shake my head no, "Not really, well not since Tristan."

"I see." She looks off into space falling silent.

"Do you ever talk to your baby?"

"Occasionally." I shrug. "It's not like I'll get a response though."

"Oh Dear you are so wrong. That baby can certainly use some affection. Talk to it all the time, and watch how much it begins to move."
She leans over touching my stomach, "Tell your mommy to stop moping and speak up."

I feel a flutter under her hand gasping, "Did you feel that!?"

She nods smiling,"My grand baby agrees with me. You just have to talk honey. It feels what you feel, if you're quiet it'll be quiet too."

If I'd known you'd react to me talking I'd never shut up. I burst into tears covering my face.

"I've been neglecting my baby!" I sob.

Theresa hops up pulling me into a hug, "No you haven't dear, you're sad and that's okay. I know this is all new and crazy to you but we're here. We aren't going to leave you in the dark."

She rubs my back soothingly humming until I calm down. It breaks my heart even more seeing how strong she is and how sad I am.

"How are you so strong?" I sniffle.

"Honey someone has to be the backbone. I cry sure but then I have to pick myself up because everyone is looking at me. They're looking at you too. They want to see how the next Luna will handle the position."

"Wait but Tristan?"

"With or without him, you're going to run this pack. I've done it before."


"Yes and let me tell you I was scared shitless. It was me and my new born baby taking care of a pack because Gerry left on a mission that took a whole year. I didn't know if I could do it or if I'd ever see him again. Every time I looked at my baby, I knew what to do. You're going to get there too."

"How? I don't know the first thing about running anything."

"Yes you do. If you can control a classroom of kids you can certainly handle a pack of wolves. I'll teach you the ins and outs of our world but you've gotta find your voice."

I nod not really understanding what she means by 'voice' I have one. Not a loud one but it's there.

"We'll start your training and lessons in the next weeks to come. Whenever you feel up to it."

I'm ready now, I'm sick of waiting around here like a mindless freak.

"Let's start tomorrow."


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