My Soul

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Other than the weird Friday night between Tristan and Dustin, my weekend was pretty cool.

It felt good to catch up with Dustin.

I smiled to myself taking a sip of my hot chocolate. All my kids are napping finally so I have some spare time.

My phone buzzes across my desk. Without looking to see who is calling I answer.


No one says anything.

"Hello?" I sing. "I can here you breathing."

"We're coming for you tonight." A raspy voice speaks into the phone.

"Who is this?" I whisper. The line goes dead and drop my phone too shaken up to do anything else.

What the hell.

That night I checked to make sure my back door was locked and secured. Locked and secured my front door as well as the windows.

Even if I do live on the second floor I'm not taking any chances.

There's a loud bang on my back door followed by feral growling from some animal.

I run to my room grabbing my mace and bat. "Get the fuck away from my door!" I screech.

As fast as it happens it passes, whatever IT was.

With trembling fingers I pull my phone out of my pocket dialing Tristan's number.

"Queenie?" He asks shocked I'd actually ever call him I'm sure.

"Come back home." I plead on the brink of tears.

"Sofia baby what's going on what happened?"

"S-somebody just tried; some... Thing just tried to break in my house." I sob.

"Call Dustin I don't want you alone. I'm on my way but he's closer."

I sniffle nodding, "I just texted him he's coming. Tristan what's going on? Am I in danger?"

"Queenie it's me. They're looking for me. My scent is all over you that's why they came."

"Who is it though?"

"I promise to tell you everything in the morning."

"Well wait I thought you'd be here tonight?"

"I'm fast baby but not that fast."

Tristan stayed on the phone with me until Dustin got here. That eventually turned into us talking the whole night away.

"You're definitely on your way though right?" I ask again.

"Yes Queenie I'm coming. Maybe I should leave more often, I like that you're missing me." He chuckles.

His laugh is so contagious, it's cute. I try to fight the smile off my face. "It's not that I miss you... I just rather have a cop near by because I'll be dead if I have to dial 911. No offense but cops move like pond water in this city."

He laughs out loud and I can just imagine him now; eyes closed, head tilted back laughing.

I smile shaking my head, "It's late."

"It's only 2:30."


I yawn into the phone as walk to my room laying down on my bed.

"Queenie I'm like 30 minutes away. I'll be there."

"I'll be waiting, on my bed."

"Is that an invitation for something?"

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