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Authors note; hey guys sorry I haven't updated:P but I've been busy A LOT

Recap: Kedall broke up with her bf Carson and Riley got beat up by Carson. Riley went home but started packing and walking really fast.


About 30 minutes later Riley knocked at my door and was holding two small bags. My mom welcomed him inside and we all sat on the couch.

"So.." I said in awkward silence

"What happen?" My mom blabbered out.

"My mom was drunk and hit me then kicked me out." I saw a small tear running down Riley's cheek

I walked over to him and wraped my arm around him. "Don't worry." I whispered into his ear.

"Well. Since I like you Riley." We both looked at my mom"

"You can stay for as long as you want."

Then she walked down to her room. I wiped the tear off of Riley's face.

"Kendall." Riley stared into my eyes. His glare was so soft and welcoming.

"Yes?" I look up at him and his beautiful blue eyes that I loved.

"I have to tell you something." I froze. Is he in love with me? Nah we just met but it could still happen. I wondered all the possibilities in my head.

"What is it?" He grabbed my arm and rushed me to his room. Then locked the door. Oh shit. What's he ganna do? Is he really a perv who molestes girls at a young age?

"I. I" he studered and honestly. It was sexy. I gave him a blank look then nodded.

"You're probably ganna think I'm crazy but here goes."

He put both his hands on my shoulders. Then swallowed.

"I'm a vampire." He closed his eyes and lets out a deep breath.

I stood there with a blank look on my face. Is this all a lie? Is he really a vampire?

"I know it seems crazy but I can prove it." He came and sat me on my bed. He moved really fast and scattered around my room.

"What els?"

"I I I have some special powers too. I don't know all of them but I have a lot like reading minds. Or telling emotions and looking into the future." He explained and it almost didnt seem real.

"Ok then tell me my future." I muttered.

"Well, I don't wanna spoil it." He winked and pulled my close to him.

He started to sniff my neck and then licked around it. I flinched and he let go but was still holding me. "Anything els you wanna know?"

"How come your not pail?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well there's only about 10 vampires on the world and were made to fit in real easy."

"What about your mom?"

"She doesn't know. That bitch doesn't even know my name. The vampire spirits come and visit me. Their dead vampires that no one can see except vampires. They told me when I was only about 5 and their my only friends except the ones at school."

"Oh I see." I nodded my head but my brain was still in twists.

"No you don't." He said. Shit. I forgot he reads minds.

"Well lets start unpacking your stuff." I said grabbing one if his bags. He grabbed my wrist and his eyes became slits.

"Don't. Grab my stuff." He said and I was scaring me.

"Riley. Your scaring me." I said but I dot think it made anything any better.

"Oh yeah. Sorry I get a lot of these self defense mood swings." He looked down a the floor. "If that happens again you better tell me cause I feel so ashamed." He said slowly creeping his beautiful eyes gazing into mine.

I start to rub his back. "It's ok. And thankes for telling me." I felt bad for Riley and what's going on with his mom so I let that one slide.

I yawned. "Well I'm far to tired right now. I just ganna jump in the shower while you start packing." He nodded and I went to the bathroom.

I undressed myself and jumped in the shower and wet my whole body before putting on shampoo. I started to sing 'When I was your man' by Bruno Mars and suddenly I grabbed the shampoo and was singing this song out loud. I looked to the wall and remembered that Riley was there. I really like him. Oh gosh. Did I just think that? I wonder if he can read minds even if there's a wall between us. I finished up and then wraped my self in a towel then walked to my room.

When I walked in. Riley had already put his clothes in a neat pile on the corner. And had his eyes on me. His gaze was looking at my body and his jaw dropped still looking at me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Is everything ok?" I muttered.

He shook his head. "Ahem. Yeah everything's fine."

I reached for my panties and and bra followed by a big shirt I like to sleep in. "Can you turn around please?"

"Of course." He said and spun around with his back facing me.

I quickly put on my clothes and jumped in bed.

He crawled into bed with me. Oh gosh. He then wrapped our selves under my covers and came behind me with his front fitting my back side perfectly. "What are you doing?" I whispered.

"I'm doing what you want." He whispered close to my ear and I could feel his breath tickling my ear. I didn't say a word. I then remembered. What if he can see through walls?!

"I can." He whispered again and then his tounge started to lick the side of my ear.

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