Chapter Twenty-Seven-Tailing the Russians-July 15, 2013

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Moscow International Airport,

Moscow, Russia,

July 15, 2013,

9:00 pm

Olga was waiting for her 10:00 pm flight to New York.

   She sipped warm coffee from the Bar.

There was a lot of late night passengers arriving.

   Olga watched everyone.

Did they have the virus?; Did they bite?

   She made sure that she didn't die. Then she saw several KGB Agents. Their black colored suits, brown colored trousers, and brown colored hat on their heads, as well as black colored boots, and .38 Smith & Wesson guns in their right hands, gave them away.

    "Please come with us". KGB Agent 1 smiled.

     "Nyet!". Olga moved away.

      "I...insist". KGB Agent 2 pressed his gun into Olga's left breast.

 "Nyet!". Olga swallowed.

       "The Zombies are rife...There is no escape".

      "I am going now".

"This is not up for discussion; this is not up for you to flee".

      Olga saw the KGB Agents' smiling.

"Fine, but I am...". And then she heard screaming.

Zombies overran the busy airport.

      They ripped the travellers' faces off.

Globs of cheeks thudded to the ground.

      Everyone screamed; everyone died.

And, as the infection coursed through the dead bodies, the virus had had now entered the second phase of the new Zombie mania in Europe.


Olga shot the two KGB  Agents dead with her .38 Smith & Wesson gun.

      She watched the Zombies feed on them.

And, ignoring all sense, she ran to Platform 2. And she gave her passports to the Airport man. And her luggage, and made a hasty retreat to her plane which wouldn't set off until 10:30 pm.

    Olga re-focussed, as the gates were closed because of the mania threat. And, even though Olga knew that her plane had sparse passengers on board Moscow Airways Flight 323, she was determined to live...and the sounds of screaming were heard for the last time in Moscow.




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