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Now work was never eventful, it usually coupled hand in hand with the want and wish to be anywhere else, but also some less than pleasant customers. Some were nice, but then some not so. Being a waitress, Minnie was more than used to her fair share of varied characters coming through the door to the small coffee shop she worked in. Half the time, admittedly to herself and never her boss, or any other employees who were likely to tattle on her, but she people watched. She people watched a lot. There was a natural curiosity she supposed, with watching those walk past the shop windows, enjoying their day...it was probably more that: them being outside, enjoying their free time.

No, work wasn't always pleasant for Minnie, but like any other employee, she sucked it up and got on with the job. She kept her head down, she kept out of trouble or any petty arguments within the work force and just got on with it. At this point in time, she was currently doing that favoured past time: people watching. She watched as a few quickly ran in, seemingly urgently and frantic even. She hadn't ever seen people so keen to order coffee...not unless it was the morning commuters who weren't fully awake and functioning yet. Those people could get mighty snappy for their morning caffeine fix.

Straightening up from her leaning position, Minnie put on her best welcoming smile and looked to the people before her. They seemed to double take, looking warily around and some even ducked to stare out the window and back down the street. Minnie's smile slipped, she was confused. This small group of several people were acting very shiftily. She hoped and prayed to whatever God that they weren't planning on doing a hold up here, she honestly didn't think a coffee shop was worth robbing, but what did she know?

"Hello, can I help you?" One looked at her with a crazy look in his eyes as she spoke. It was like he only just realised she was standing there. There were others present in the shop too, customers were looking around and at the group with confused worry. "Are you all okay?" She furthered on, if they were in trouble she would try her best to help them, if she could. Unless her earlier thoughts of them being robbers came true, then no.

"Phone." The man came forwards, almost slamming his hands on the counter in front of her. That was all that was separating them, and Minnie took a step back. He looked scared, edgy and utterly confused.


"We need to use your phone!" He all but shouted at her, his hands slamming on the counter for real this time. The sound echoed out into the small space and all and everyone practically flinched from the noise.

Minnie held up her hands in innocent defence. "Sir, I will allow you to do that, if you calm down. But, don't you all have mobiles?" She couldn't help but ask as her hands lowered to her apron pockets. It was a pathetically tatty thing, wrapped around her waist and with holes from her pens sticking through at different times. The man ran his hands frantically through his hair, muttering under his voice and shaking his head. He all but doubled down into himself as the door burst open and more people came rushing in. They were as terrified looking as the original group who came flooding through. "What's going on?" Minnie asked, feeling a panic begin to surge within her chest. Something was incredibly wrong this wasn't just a small thing which was troubling a small group.

"Aliens!" Someone screamed and dived under a table, luckily no one was sitting at it when he did so.

The reaction had Minnie raising an eyebrow, that was dramatic, she thought yet tilted her head slowly. She didn't know whether to scoff or to laugh. "Aliens don't exist." Minnie didn't mean to sound like she was almost laughing, but all these people were freaking out over something fictional. With a shake of her head, she finally moved from around the counter. She walked slowly over to the window, only to yell and skid backwards but not on her own volition. Something massive had crashed down and landed against the pavement and road in front of the small shop. Through the flying debris and smoke, whatever this thing was it seemed to stand.

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