Given Choices

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2 weeks later...

Lauren's POV

I've been so confused about my feelings for Jaiden lately. I shouldn't be confused about anything. I'm with Noah and it's not right of me to be thinking about Jaiden when I'm with him. But I knew that I just had to think my feelings through. I needed to figure things out and I needed quiet time to do that.

I was out driving just to be alone for a while. While I was out driving I found myself pulling into the empty parking lot of the building Jaiden brought me too when we were together. It's the building that he called "his place". I drove by here a lot in these past few months but I never pulled in. It always made me smile to think about that night he brought me here.

I've been sitting in my car for the past 5 minutes, unsure of if I want to get out or if I should drive away. I never ended up getting out. I just sat in the car in silence, thinking about how I'm going to figure out what I should be doing.

As I sat there in silence my phone rang. I looked down and saw Jaiden's name. I hesitated, but then answered.

Lauren- "Hello?"

Jaiden- "Hey Laur. Uhm I know that this is probably the last thing you want to do but I was wondering if you could come over. I just really need to talk to you."

Lauren- "I don-" He cut me off quickly.

Jaiden- "Please Lauren... I won't bug you again. I just need to talk to you. And I was really hoping we could talk in person." I sighed and paused before answering

Lauren- "Okay.. I'll be over in a few minutes."

Jaiden- "Okay. I'll see you in a few."

I hung up and started driving to his house. I'm not sure why he is back. I thought he wasn't supposed to be back until next week. After a few minutes of driving I pulled into his driveway. As soon as I started walking to the door I questioned my decision to come here. I tentatively knocked on his door, thinking that this is probably a stupid choice.

After a few moments Jaiden opened the door. I immediately noticed a large brace on his knee that kept it stiff, causing him to limp. I looked down surprised knowing that this must be the reason he was back early.

Lauren- "What happened? Are you okay?" I asked worried.

Jaiden- "Yeah uhm I'm fine. This isn't what I really wanted to talk to you about." He laughed slightly and continued.

Jaiden- "Do you want to come in?"

I nodded my head yes and slowly entered his front door. We went to the closest room so that he didn't have to walk too far to sit down.

Lauren- "Did you get hurt during practice? When did that happen?" I asked, still curious about how he got hurt.

Jaiden- "No during a game."

Lauren- "How long until you can play again?" He looked down at the floor with a disappointed look on his face.

Jaiden- "I went to the doctor last week after it happened and they said since I've already had a knee injury before I'll have to have surgery and that I can't play again."

Lauren- "Can't play again for this season?"

Jaiden- "Can't play again, ever." He said sadly.

Lauren- "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry Jai." I said scooting closer to him to comfort him. Then I quickly realized that probably wasn't the best idea and I returned back to my original place.

Jaiden- "It's fine. I didn't really plan on talking about that. I actually just need to get something off of my chest. I need you to know exactly how I feel so that I can let it go."

Lauren- "Oh... Okay."

Jaiden- "You asked a while ago why I couldn't forgive you," he said, very quietly, and I tensed up a little. "It was because I loved you so much, and I felt like when you fell for Noah that it was your way of telling me you didn't love me. I spent so long trying to treat you the best I possibly could and show you how much I loved you, and in a matter of weeks all of that went away when you started to fall for him. It's like everything that we had meant nothing to you."

Lauren- "Our relationship was incredible. It meant more to me then I could ever explain to you... And I do love you." I said quietly, surprised at my own words.

Jaiden- "That's the thing...You don't. You love him. And the only reason you are saying you love me is because you feel bad that you fell in love when I left." He paused and let out an upset sigh. He looked frustrated but I couldn't pin point if that was actually it.

Jaiden- "You know what sucks... I can't even be mad at you for falling for someone else. I chose to leave and this is where it led me. I lost you. It's my fault."

Lauren- "Jaiden why do you assume you know how I feel?"

Jaiden- "I don't know. I just felt like I let you down. So assuming just seemed like the easiest thing. Because if I assumed you didn't love me then I saved myself the hurt of hearing you say it yourself."

Lauren- "You don't understand. There isn't one person in this world that I want more than you. I just thought you stopped loving me."

Jaiden- "You thought I stopped loving you? How could I ever stop loving you?"

Lauren- "You broke up with me and then told me to never talk to you again. Just like you assumed, so did I." I paused for a second and looked up into his hazel eyes. I hadn't gotten to see them for so long. I spoke quietly.

Lauren- "I love you."

Jaiden- "You can't say that." He said quietly as he inched closer.

Lauren- "Why not?"

Jaiden- "Because your with him... And hearing you say that makes me really want to kiss you."

Lauren- "Please Jai. Give me a reason to leave him. Tell me what you know about him being a bad guy... Because I want to be with you...[Pause]... You gave me a picture when you left and gave me a choice. You said if I wanted out of the relationship then all I had to do was give the picture back to you. But you said if I was happy with you, then I should keep it and you would know. I kept it because I want you. So you have a choice now too. You can tell me to stay with Noah, and I'll know that you don't want to be with me anymore. Or you can tell me to leave him, and I will because I love you. I never wanted anyone besides you. So now its your choice."

I knew that whatever his decision was, that I would break up with Noah anyways. I can't be with Noah because I don't love him, I love Jaiden. But I need him to know that it's his choice now. He knows mine. I chose him. But now it's his turn to make a choice.


Let me know what you think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

Leaving (Lauren Cimorelli Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz