Could Go Wrong

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1 weeks later...

Jaiden's POV

Tonight my parents are having this dinner party at our house. It's one with some of their business partners. Whenever they have people over for business I have to act like a different version of myself. Dinners like these are always about impressing my parents business partners. It has nothing to do with having fun or building bonds between friends. It's all about making a deal and showing them how "perfect" and "put together" our family is.

I knew that tonight was going to be long and if it were my choice I wouldn't even be part of it. But I knew that my parents would be mad if I just didn't show up. I decided to text Lauren because I knew that if she was here tonight it would make it a lot more bearable.

J- Jaiden
L- Lauren

J- Hey princess what are you doing tonight?
L- Stop calling me princess😒 haha
L- And I'm not doing anything. Why what's up?
J- I'm sorry but I like calling you princess so I'm sticking with it. But my parents are having this business dinner tonight at our house that I have to be at and I was wondering if you would come?
J- It would be a lot less torturous if you were there.
L- I'll ask my mom right now (:
J- Okay let me know! I need someone normal here

After about 10 minutes she texted me back with a reply.

L- I can go! What time should I be over?
J- YES! Can you come over in an hour at like 6?
L- Yeah I'll see you then!(:

My parents would be mad if I didn't show up to the dinner, but they might not be too happy that I invited Lauren either. I decided not to tell them because I knew they would say no. But if Lauren just showed up I knew they couldn't get mad because she would already be there. And I don't care if they don't want her here, I need her here.

Lauren's POV

I've just finished getting ready and I was about to head over to Jaiden's. I got in the car and started driving out of my neighborhood. Jaiden lives pretty close to my house so it seemed like only a couple minutes passed when I pulled up to the curb outside of his driveway.
I saw a couple of cars already in the driveway so I figured that Jaiden's parents already had their friends over.

I approached his front door and knocked lightly. Jaiden opened the door quickly and let out a sigh of relief.

Jaiden- "Thank god you're here."
I let out a small laugh and smiled. I walked in and he gave me a hug as I stepped in his house.
Lauren- "It can't be that bad." I said quietly in his ear as he hugged me.
Jaiden- "You haven't met my parents before."
Lauren- "Was I supposed to dress nice for this?" I asked a little insecurely when I saw that Jaiden was in a white Abercrombie and Fitch dress polo and black jeans.
Jaiden- "No, you look amazing." He said as he sweetly smiled at me, causing me to blush. I tried to hide my cheeks by looking down so that he wouldn't see. We are still just friends who are getting to know each other right now. I don't want to make things awkward by showing how his words had such an affect on me.

Jaiden's house was really big. It was only him and his parents that lived in this house but it could have fit so many people. I looked around at the huge, beautiful rooms and I started to feel even more insecure. I saw his parents in the other room and they were dressed up much nicer than Jaiden and so were the people that came over for dinner. It looked so proper and put together. I looked casual, like I would if I was just going out with friends. I tried to brush my insecurities aside.

Lauren- "Your house is amazing. Are you sure your parents don't mind me being over here?"
Jaiden- "Well I didn't exactly tell them." I looked at him with my eyes wide.
Lauren- "Jai you didn't tell them I was coming over!? This is my first time meeting them, they are going to hate me right away if I just barge in their home without an invite."
Jaiden- "But I invited you, so no they aren't going to hate you. They might just be a little mad at me."

We were about to walk in the room where his parents and their business partners were sitting. Then Jai grabbed my arm, lightly pulling me back and started speak quietly so only I could hear.

Jaiden- "I'm not like my parents. I don't want you to think that I'm like they are. They think money can buy love and happiness and they think that they are better than other people. They think that since they have money that they are above everyone else... I just really needed you here as a friend tonight and I don't want that to change because you see the way my family acts."
Lauren- "I'm here for you. Your family doesn't change the way I think of you. Besides I'm sure that it will be fine. I'm sure that they are great." I smiled at him but I could see that he looked unsure and nervous about tonight. I just don't think that they could be that bad. But he never talks about his family. And this is the first time I'm meeting anyone from his family, but he has spent quiet a bit of time these past few weeks with mine.

Maybe he is just paranoid. I'm sure tonight will be great. This past month and half that I've gotten to know Jaiden more, I've seen him as such a kind hearted and genuine person. And if he is that way I would think that his family is too.

Jaiden's POV

I shouldn't have told her to come over. As I looked in the other room at my parents who were dressed up in formal business wear, I knew that they would judge Lauren.

It was selfish of me to ask her to come over. I wanted her to come over for me, but now that she's here I don't want her to know how superficial and shallow my family can be.

Tonight could go wrong in so many more ways than it could go right. I know my family... And I know that tonight could be a disaster.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say(:

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