That Girl

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~1 week later~

Jaiden's POV

I got home really late on the night that Lauren came over for dinner. I went in the house quietly so that my parents wouldn't hear me. They left the next morning to go on some trip, which was good because then we didn't have to talk about what happened at dinner. But they got back from their trip today. And when I heard the front door open I knew that I was going to get crap from my parents.

I sat in the kitchen and after they put their bags in their room they walked over to me. My mom had her arms crossed as she stood across from me. She began to speak in a frustrated tone, not even saying hi.

Lynda- "Jaiden what were you thinking bringing some girl that we don't even know into the house when we had an important meeting?"
Jaiden- "I was thinking that it would be nice if you met some of my friends. You know nothing about my life or who I am. So I thought maybe you would care to meet someone who I hang out with."
Lynda- "Don't talk to me with an attitude like that Jaiden. And I saw her reach for your hand, what is she your girlfriend now?"
Jaiden- "No she's just a friend who was trying to be there for me."
Lynda- "You do not belong with someone like that! She isn't like us! She can't fit in with our lifestyle Jaiden. What happened to Lexi? That's the kind of girl you should be with!"
As she raised her voice I started yelling back.
Jaiden- "Lexi doesn't care about anyone! She's shallow and superficial! She only cares about herself. Why would I want to be with someone like her?!"
Lynda- "Because at least she fits in with who we are! You are supposed to be with someone who fits in with your life and it is obvious that girl you brought over doesn't!"
Jaiden- "You're upset that I'm hanging out with a friend who actually cares about me? I don't care about Lexi! You like her because she is just like you! She's selfish and insecure which turned her into a person who only cares about themselves! She's exactly like you!"

My dad came in when he heard yelling and he looked mad too. Whenever he was mad he didn't yell. He kept his voice normal but you could see his face turning red like it was now.

Joe- "You don't talk to her like that. Didn't we raise you better? You really need to get your priorities straight Jaiden."
Jaiden- "I'm trying but all you care about is Scott and his med school! You don't care about what I want to do. You don't even care if I go to college!"
Joe- "Fine what do you want to do? Go pro in football? Be a college star who isn't remembered?"
Jaiden- "The only reason I care so much about football is because it's the only thing that can get me into college! You guys aren't going to support me and the only way that I can afford to go is if I get a scholarship."
Joe- "You are being so disrespectful and ungrateful. You need to learn to have some respect for the people who take care of you."
Jaiden- "Oh come on, seriously? You take care of me? You take care of Scott and all that he needs. But you are gone way more than you ever are at home. You know nothing about me. You don't care and whenever I have something that I need you to be there for you aren't!"
Lynda- "And now this girl is? Is that what your trying to say? That she is there when we aren't."
Jaiden- "No that's not what I was trying to say. But now that you mention it, she does care about me more than you do. So if you must know than yes, she is a way better support system than you two ever were."

I started to walk away, tired of arguing.

Lynda- "Jaiden we aren't finished talking about this! She is obviously a bad influence on you if this is how you are starting to talk to us. You are not to talk to that girl anymore. I don't want her in this house again."
Jaiden- "Fine I won't bring her over again but you can't come tell who I talk to and who I don't."
Lynda- "You need to stay away from her. I knew the second she came over, looking the way she did, that she was no good for you."
Jaiden- "No actually I'm going to hang out with her, I'm going to talk to her and I definitely won't bring her over here again because I don't want her to have to see what a did functional family we have."
Lynda- "Give me your car keys. I don't want you leaving. You can drive to work and school that's it."
Jaiden- "Fine, here."

I reached in my pocket to grab them and threw my car keys on the counter. I walked out of the kitchen and up to my room. I closed my door thinking about how I wanted to just leave and go get my mind off of this for a while.
I put on running shoes and grabbed my football. I put my phone in my pocket and jogged down my stairs. I could hear my parents talking in to he kitchen and I slipped out the front door before they would notice.
I started walking down the street, spinning the football in my hand as I walked towards the school football field.
It was a long walk but I didn't care because walking usually helped clear my head. I was walking for a long time before I finally started to get close to the school. As I walked on the sidewalk by the school I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and pulled it out to see Lauren calling. Even though I'm in a terrible mood, I still felt a smile form on my face when I answered it and heard her sweet voice on the other side.

Jaiden- "Hey princess."
Lauren- "Do you call every girl in you talk to princess?" I could hear her laughing slightly.
Jaiden- "Nope only you."
Lauren- "I can't even see you but I know that you have that side smirk on your face right now."
Jaiden- "It's because you know me so well haha"
Lauren- "I know I do. Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go out to the mall or something tonight? I'm so bored and I want to get out of the house."
Jaiden- "Yeah for sure. Do you mind picking me up from the football field?"
Lauren- "No I don't mind. Are you there now?"
Jaiden- "Yeah just whenever you can get me. It's no big deal just when you are free."
Lauren- "I'll be there in twenty minutes. Is that okay?"
Jaiden- "Yeah I'll see you then princess."
Lauren- "I swear it's like I can feel you smiling right now haha. I'll see you in a few minutes."

She was right. Just talking to her made me smile. I don't care what anyone else wants me to do or if my parents don't like her. Because no matter what they say I'm still going to want her.
I can't help myself. She's just unlike anyone I've ever met... And I mean that in the best way possible.

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