This is No Martyrdom -Profiling-

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*Yeah.. Hi there. How are you? I’m goooood… so I’ve decided to do something to show perspectives from each person on each other… you’ll see what I mean. ALSO let’s say this is a future reference.

SO let’s say they had this assignment to give their thought on four people, including themselves, in English. So here goes nothing :} BY THE WAY- This person’s song is- Just a Little Bit by Kids of 88

And the person to the right is them. Yes, I changed his picture to. Now it‘s Andrew Bisante because I love YouTube. Suck it. Love and killjoys :}*


Jayce Skultety-

Well I’ve known him for a while now. He’s actually really nice outside of school. But he had me do something I really didn’t want to do. He had me tell Elissa we’re virgins! WE’RE OBVIOUSLY NOT! I could tell the ladies were weary when they were told. ‘specially Ellie. Sara not so much. I told her the truth and she accepted easily, I dunno why though. It was like..really easy. Elissa didn’t handle it so well though. She wanted to rip Jayce’s head off. But she got over that. I think. Anyway, I can tell Jayce really like, reaaaaallllyyy likes elissa, even if he doesn’t know. It’s obvious. Too obvious. She’s all he talks about and prolly thinks about. AND he barely knows her. He asks me about her all the time since Sara and her are like, really close, so yeah. He’s hooked, in love, finally found his dream girl hers wanted forever. And I’m glad. Not hefty. I’m tired of all his going around. It’s tiring.. Even for me!

Elissa Marsh-

My lady’s best gal pal! She’s… nice. Reminds me of jayce, though. Doesn’t take no for an answer, and reaaaaallly sarcastic. But you know what? that’s what makes her amazing. Jayce and her have this, like, love/hate thing going on… it’s really cute though. At lunch they’ll sit there and spit snide comments back and forth to each other, then glare, and it’s adorable. Jayce tries to tell me he’s not mad for her, but right now I think that if I read his paper it’d say something like- “oh.. she’s so special. Everything I need and more!” or something like that. Ellie reminds me a lot of Babydoll on Sucker Punch. Very independent, but still amazing at kicking ass.

Brent Harding-

Why exactly do I have to write about myself? A waste of time, if you ask me.. You already know what I’m going to say. All that’s going through my mind. But whatever. Well how do I start? I like long walks on the beach (lie), snuggling up on the couch to watch The Notebook (LIEEE), and calling hot chicks… (TRUTHH..sorta?). And by hot chicks I mean hot chick. And by hot chick I mean Sara Elizabeth Marie Keik. I am, how you say, in love. Yes, I said love. Sit on that and spin. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me…like, ever. Believe me. Because love is a serious word that I don’t just throw around stupidly. It’s serious business. Really.

Sara ‘OMG’ Keik-

What is love? Some may say a feeling, an emotion. The dictionary says love is an intense feeling of deep affection? True. A deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone? Also true. A person or thing that one loves? Sara. Sara is love. Sara is happiness, joy. All positive emotions is Sara. She is also the world to me. I would never admit this out loud, but the only reason Jayce and I painted the walls was to come to Yelm, because that’s where the marvelous Sara Keik is. She’s amazing, and so nice. The ‘OMG’ in her name to me stands for “Only MY Girl.” Forever and always…bitches!

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