This is No Martyrdom- 5

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“Excuse me? Mr.…uh.. Burke? I’m new and I have no idea where to sit…” Brent said to the art teacher, and my homeroom teacher.

“Ah, yes I see… there’s a spot open behind Miss Marsh.” Mr. Burke said while looking at his clipboard.


“Elissa Marsh. The red head.”

“Ah.. I see..” Brent said, walking behind me and sitting down.

“ALRIGHT! Now that we’re all settled, how about we start a mass project, eh? Get into partners. You will paint each other and things they like in the background. Elissa, since your desk partner is absent, you are partnered with Brent.” Mr. Burke said. I turned around to see Brent smiling at me. He mouthed the word ‘great’ and came up and sat by me.

“Howdy.” He said when he sat down.

“Yeah.. Hi..” I said awkwardly. There’s nothing to be awkward about.. It’s just Brent.

“So.. Tell me about yourself.” he said and gazed at me

“What? Why?” I asked, alarmed

“Because we’re supposed to do a mass project on each other, so uh.. What goes on in your life?” his green eyes sparkling slightly. Hm. Now’s my chance to really get a good look at him. Dark brown hair that looked really soft, slightly rosy cheeks, but that seems constant, and of course, those green eyes. The eyes that makes a girl fall in love. Oh gosh.

“ Um.. Lately I’ve been listening to Two Door Cinema Club, YACHT, and Mars Argo…? Is that good?” I had to think of something more interesting later…

“Definitely.” he said and wrote what I said down on a piece of paper. I should take some notes on him too…

“So uh.. What do you do in your spare time?” I asked, hoping he wouldn’t say sex.

“I usually read or listen to music alone in my room. I know.. Not what you thought I would be doing.. But to tell the truth, I’m a virgin. AND so is Jayce. Just putting it out there…” that made my mouth drop in surprise. Virgin? Jayce? No.. he has to be joking.. Or lying…

“Seriously? Or are you just saying that to get on my good side?”

“I’m more serious than Harry Potter’s godfather.” Haha.. That was punny.

“Whoa.” I said

“I mean business.” He said while writing something down and hiding it from me. Well after learning he’s a virgin, I guess he’s more than meets the eye, so I drew a transformer on my piece of paper.

“Well since class is almost ovar.. We can talk tomorrow?” I asked, gathering my stuff again.

“Or you can give me your number and I can call you later. Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger.” he said.

“Hey, you’re no Kanye West.” I said and gave him my number.

“OH! Before I forget… I really like your friend Sara.. Can you tell her I said hello?” he asked nervously. Awwwwww !

“That’s sweet.. But aren’t you hanging out with her after school?”

“ Yes.. But I just cant wait that long to see her. Actually forget about it. I’ll tell her myself right now.” he said and leaped into the hallway. I looked out there and saw Sara smiling widely at him, then he leaned down and…

“SARA!!!!” I interrupted. They both turned to me, both looking irritated. “uh.. We need to get to class!”

“We have three more minutes!” Sara yelled back

“Not anymore we don’t! Now come on!” I said and grabbed her hand. She’s going to hate me for a whoooole ten minutes.

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