There's No Such Thing As A Coincidence

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*A few months later*

Tony's POV---

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon drifting in from the kitchen and smiled as I got up to brush my teeth. Things with Sammi had been great lately. It was rough at first with the secrets and stuff, but we began to make it work and I think we did a pretty good job of keeping everyone out of the loop other than Abby. "Good morning sunshine" Sammi said as she placed a kiss on my cheek and a plate on the table. "I could get used to this" I said as I smiled and kissed her shortly. She had been staying over about once a week which was hard at first but I got kind of accustomed to it. She playfully shoved me as my phone began to ring. "Hey boss" I said between bites as I listened to Gibbs tell me about our next case only this time he said it was urgent and private. I hung up a little confused and concerned which Sammi quickly picked up on. "Everything ok?" she asked and I nodded saying it was just kind of odd but that I didn't know much. Sammi smiled and sat down on my lap saying "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about" and giving me another quick kiss before straightening my tie so I could be on my way. I left her in the house and said "I'll see you in a bit."

When I got to the office Gibbs briefed me in on the case and said I needed to go under cover; now. My first thought was Sammi and I quickly asked who would be informed of my case. Gibbs said it wasn't a matter of major security so the team would know, but he knew what I meant. Even though we had kept our relationship a secret Gibbs knew Sammi and I were close and that I would want her to know but he didn't elaborate any further on her clearance of the case. "Can it wait until after lunch? I have to get some things" I began, but the Almighty Gibbs spoke and said "you have twenty minutes."

"Sammi, its me, call me and whatever you do, don't leave my-" I was trying to get ahold of her so that I could stop her before leaving. My thinking was that this way I could go home and explain everything and we could figure it out together except by the time I got that far into my sentence the elevator door opened and Sammi and Abby stood right in front of me.

"Hey Abs, I gotta talk to Sammi for a second, thanks" I said quickly as I moved around Abby and gently pushed Sammi back into the elevator doors. I quickly pushed a button to get the doors to close and then hit the switch to stop the elevator. "I have to go undercover" I said and Sammi looked at me with a mix of emotions I could never decipher.

"How long-"

"I don't know, there's no way to tell."

"Is, I mean, like, could you-"

"There's always the possibility, but Gibbs wouldn't let anything happen to me."

"Will I be able to see you?"

I took a deep breath and sighed, "I don't know."

It was silent for a few moments and then she kissed me. It was in the elevator right there that I realized I loved her, but I didn't wanna drown her in more emotion right before I left so I simply put all that I could into that kiss and said "don't worry, you're not getting rid of me that easy." Sammi smirked and hit the elevator button to bring us back to the Orange Room and said "you better come back to me Mr. Special Agent, you got that?"

Sammi's POV---

When the elevator doors opened Gibbs was already briefing the team and I sat back and listened intently, but I don't think I retained a single thing because my mind kept wandering back to Tony. He was going undercover to try to infiltrate some terrorism ring that was trying to buy a bunch of illegal weapons for an attack. Then I zoned out. Tony would be a part of the group that was dealing the weapons; there was another inside man so he wouldn't be alone. Then I zoned out. He would be leaving in fifteen minutes.

"Hey," Tony said as he placed his hand on my arm, "it's gonna be ok."

"I know" I said and, after looking around to be sure no one would see, I kissed him on the cheek and said "be safe."

Then, he left.

McGee's POV---

Before Tony left he told me to keep an eye on Sammi so, I questioned him a little. Eventually after enough banter he whispered "listen McGeek, I'm in love with this girl and if you tell a single soul that I told you that, when I get back you'll be dead, got it?" I nodded and said "holy shit Tony. Gibbs' niece." He left a little while after that and Sammi had seemed spacey ever since. I explained to her that Tony knew what he was doing and showed her some of the surveillance we had to protect him. She particularly liked the audio and kept asking me to go back to it even though I assumed she wouldn't wanna hear anything the dealers were talking about. Days would pass and every morning Sammi was at my desk with headphones waiting for me to play back anything she could have missed and then, it happened.

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