Double trouble ( part one )

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" Okay let's do this " Comet said aiming at a plant. " twonous doublenoss " he said shooting at the plant. But instead the plant spawned another plant but it was wilted. " Ughh!! this is hopeless " Comet said getting annoyed. Comet studied day and night to make a duplication spell, but instead it turned into a failure. " Comet, I can hear your screams of failing here in my room " Maria said entering his room. " Sorry Maria, I'm just trying to get this spell right ". " Then try something simple, like your mirror " she said pointing at his mirror phone. " okay then " he replied. He aimed at the mirror " TWONOUS DOUBLENOSS!! " he said. The magic went through the mirror, but it bounce back. It was about to hit Comet, but Maria pushed Comet letting the magic hit her instead. The magic exploded and turned into smoke, which covered everywhere in Comet's room. " Maria! " he screamed for his girlfriend. He then saw and figure with brown hair lying down unconscious, he went up to it and notice it was Maria. " Maria wake up! " he said shaking her. Maria opened her eyes looking at Comet with smirk. Comet then notice her brown orbs turn into red. " Maria are you feeling okay " he said asking her if that's the girl he used to love. " I'm fine Comet " she said showing a evil grin. " Uhh...okay " he replied. " Comet?" he heard a voice. He turned around and saw another Maria with blue eyes. " Two Marias!? "


Cliffhanger! Sorry guys...Just wait for the part two!!!

This is a request from : Wolf-Marks

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