Chapter Four

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I stared at what was suppose to be my room. The room was huge,the walls were splashed with the color peach and beige, two beds separated from each sat there, expecting to be used,the room had to closets, each on the other sides of the room, underneath me the carpet was warm and bright red.

Just like blood...


"It does look amazing" Whisper said standing next to me

We were the only ones in the room. Mom and Dad agreed to let us unpack, while they.......lets just say they were being real friendly towards one other in their bedroom. I know, messed up, right? Oh well, that's my parents for ya. Thank God Whisper doesn't know what the term "having fun" means. Well, the good news is that I love the room. The bad news is its right below my parent's room, yes I could heard their bed creak as we speak.

"So, where do you think my room is?" Whisper asked

"Oh I don't know.....maybe here??"

"What! I can't sleep here, its awful!!"

"What are you talking about?Didn't you say it was amazing?"

"Yes, but I meant for you" She rolled her eyes

Bitch Bitch Bitch

"Oh just shut up and unpack" I took my suitcase and walk to the closet on the right side of the room

"Fine" she pouted but walked to the closet on the left side of the room, with her suitcase.

I sat down on the carpet, opened my suitcase and began hanging my clothes into the little hangers that were already in the closet, As I unpack, my thoughts kept wandering back to Molly. Where was she? Was she really gone? I knew my parents said that I never had a doll but, I knew she was real. The scar on my back proved it. I never wanted to come back, especially not with Whisper. She may think that the supernatural is cool, but I know better. I was halfway done, when I heard my sister's shout of frustration.

"Fuck! This stupid closet won't open!"

"Let me help" I stood up and walked to her. I grabbed the handles and pulled. Jammed.

What the hell?

"Help me pull, Whisper" We both pulled on the handles, but it was no use, the doors were jammed shut.

I studied the door closely, there was a narrow gap in between the individual doors. There was a bolt blocking me from seeing whatever was inside that closet.

So Its locked from the inside 

 "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! I'm just gonna go ask Dad!" Whisper stormed out of the room

I sighed.

Finally some time to myself, I walked to one of beds and jumped into it.This would be a long summer. Trapped in a cabin in the woods possibly haunted by a missing doll. Yea I couldn't possibly see anything going wrong with that. My eyelids began feeling heavy and soon I was drifting off to another nightmare

 I stood in the middle of a playground, How the hell did I get here? Wasn't I in my bed relaxing? I looked around panicked. The playground was full of kids. They were everywhere, on the swings, on the slides, monkey bars. The Children were giggling, laughing, playing. But I slowly began to notice there were no parents. I frowned 

That was weird

"Um hello?" I spoke but they continued on, not seeming to hear me. I tried again

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