A Girl Named Maria...

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Shadow laid on a ragged couch, Knuckles' arms wrapped around him. The echidna was asleep, but his grip was firm on the hedgehog. Shadow looked around Knuckles' and Sticks' cave. It was simple with some random stuff that he assumed belonged to Sticks. A small TV sat in front of the couch where they now lay. He wanted to leave badly, but he couldn't say no to the echidna when he asked for Shadow to stay after the volleyball incident.

Knuckles let out a small snore and pulled the hedgehog closer to him. Shadow looked up at him and couldn't help but let out the smallest of smiles. Knuckles was very peaceful, his tough features looking soft in this state. His grip was gentle but firm, determined to keep the hedgehog as close as possible.

Shadow cursed himself for smiling at the pathetic sight. Smiling is something Shadow holds close to him, not something he can hand out to anyone. The fact that this echidna could make him smile was sickening to him. The only person to make him smile was...

'No.' his mind interrupted. 'Don't you dare think of her...'

Shadow sighed as he brought her up again to his mind. Oh, how precious she was to him. She was the light in his life. Nobody else made him happier than her...

He witnessed her death though... It played in his nightmares... He could've saved the young nurse from harm if he had just reacted fast enough with his injured shoulder...

The thought of her death made him snuggle closer to Knuckles without even knowing, and Knuckles unconsciously pulling him closer. The ebony hedgehog buried his face into the sleeping one's chest, trying to hide the tears threatening to flow out. He uttered a simple name. "Maria..."

Knuckles was actually awake and thoroughly enjoying holding Shadow close. He never thought in a million years that he could hold his crush like this.

But, when Shadow muttered that simple name, the echidna started wondering...

'Who is this Maria girl?'

"Maria? Who's Maria?" Knuckles asked aloud, making Shadow jump, still in Knuckles' arms.

"No one." Shadow said coldly, trying to push away from Knuckles, but he wouldn't let go.

"Shadow...? Are you cheating on me with this Maria person?"

"No!" Shadow growled. "How dare you say that!?"

Knuckles eyes widened. "Shadow, calm down..."

"Don't ever say that about Maria!"

"I don't even know who she is!"

Shadow's eyes widened before he looked away. "I'm sorry... I just... Don't like talking about her..."

Knuckles frowned before pulling him close. "It's alright... Who is she anyway...?"

Shadow sighed. He had never told anyone about Maria, and he definitely didn't want to tell that echidna.

"She's no one..." Shadow sighed, looking away.

Now, Knuckles may be considered the dumbest on the island, but he knew that Shadow was lying. It was obvious. Knuckles didn't know if he was trying to hide some girl that he's cheating on him with, or if she was someone really important to him, and it hurt to talk about her. He wanted to be sure, so he gently gripped Shadow's chin and made him face him.

"Shadow... Please tell me..." Knuckles said, laying a gentle kiss on Shadow's cheek and looking at him with begging eyes.

Shadow didn't know what to do. Would Knuckles leave him if he didn't say anything, ruining his plans? He didn't want to take that risk, but this topic wasn't the best with him...

Tears ran down the hedgehog's face as he stared into Knuckles' amethyst eyes. Why was he crying in front of this inferior being? Why hasn't he just left to find another way to destroy Sonic and his friends?

Still staring into the echidna's eyes, he realized something. There was something in Knuckles' eyes that made him want to stay. Something that made him want to tell this echidna everything. It was a look of trust. A look of love. They reminded him of Maria's crystal blue eyes that held so much love for everyone.

Shadow almost broke out into more tears, but stopped himself. He took a deep breath and said, "Maria... was my best friend a long time ago... W-We were in a war together... b-but she never made it out..."

Knuckles quickly pulled the hedgehog close, rubbing his back gently. "I'm sorry, Shadow... I-I didn't know..."

"I-It's fine... Just please don't let me go..." Shadow sobbed into Knuckles' chest, not considering how weak he looked at that moment. He just allowed the echidna's arms to pull him closer and rub his back gently, mumbling sweet nothings into his ear.

For the first time in 50 years, Shadow felt truly loved...

Fooled To Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें