Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ella stared at the ground. She couldn't look up. She refused to. She couldn't wrap her head around the whole situation. Eric wasn't dead. He couldn't be. The plane didn't malfunction, and it didn't fall and crash. She was dreaming. It wasn't real. But her best friend ran up to her and hugged her tightly, she knew.

She hugged Alyssa, who burst into tears.

She looked past her friend and looked at the coffin. Eric's body was under there. It was in that box. His dead body was in a box.

"It's ok, Ella. He's in a better place," Alyssa Olsen kept saying. But Ella didn't want to hear it. She passed by her friend and went to the coffin, staring at it. She passed her fingers around it.

"Eric," she whispered. He had left her all alone. He'd left her. She suddenly fell to her knees and cried.

"I love you, too, Ella."

His voice echoed in her head. He couldn't be dead! She felt someone put a hand on her shoulder.

"Hun, it's time to go," she heard her mother's voice behind her, trying to pull her up.

Ella shook her head, shrugging her mother off.

"No!" she yelled, pushing past her mother and running back to the coffin.

She didn't want to leave Eric. She wouldn't. She couldn't.

"I love you, too, Ella."

She dropped to her knees and cried again. This time, no one bothered her.


"Ella, open the door!" Alyssa yelled, banging on the door.

Ella wasn't planning on listening to her friend. She stuck her earphones in, but didn't press play on her iPod. She just stared at the wall.

I'm never leaving this room, she thought.

"Ella!" Alyssa shouted again, banging on the door.

Ella ignored her. She heard Alyssa sigh. She knew she was going to be late to school if she didn't leave now.

"You're not the only one who lost someone, Ella!" she snapped before stomping downstairs and slamming the door shut.

As soon as Alyssa left, Ella blasted her music into her ear. She knew her friend was right. But she didn't care.


They watched as Alyssa stormed out of the house. Brenda looked up hopefully, but Alyssa just shook her head and climbed into the car.

"I don't get why we keep coming to her house. We all know she's never coming out," the dark-haired boy in the passenger seat said.

Alyssa glared at him.

"She's been through hell, Dominic. Have a heart," she scolded as the car started moving. She really hated people talking badly about Ella. They just don't get her like I do, Alyssa thought.

"That's no excuse to skip school and not talk to anyone," Brenda huffed, crossing her arms. She was mad at Ella, and she couldn't be blamed. Alyssa was mad too. Ella could at least talk to her. They were best friends, right?

"Yeah, but I don't care. I don't want to be near the girl that's cursed," Dominic said, rolling his eyes.

"Cursed?" the blonde boy driving repeated, raising his eyebrows.

"Don't listen to him, Jeremy. That's just what everyone in town is saying," Alyssa told her cousin.

"But it's true," Dominic said under his breath.

Alyssa just ignored him. Everyone went silent. Ella wasn't cursed. She just needed...time.


Diana approached her daughter's door, and stood there. Should she go in? She leaned in against the door and listened. Her daughter was crying again. It broke her heart to see her little girl so hurt. She stepped back and sighed. Ella would talk to her when she was ready. Just like she had done when her father and her sister had died.

"Ella, Hun? I'm going to work. I'll be home late from the hospital today, ok?" Diana told her, knocking on the door softly.

"Ok, mom," Ella sniffled.

Diana took a deep breath and went downstairs. She would talk to her when she was ready.

Little did she know that was the last time she would see Ella ever again.


As soon as her mother was gone, Ella opened the door and headed to the downstairs kitchen. As she poured her cereal, she wiped her tears away with her sleeves. She hated crying, but she just couldn't stop. She walked like a zombie over to the couch and turned the TV on.

Ella suddenly woke up to the sound of people screaming. What the heck? she thought. What time was it? She must have fallen asleep watching TV. She heard a loud crash from outside suddenly. What was going on? She was about to look out her window when she heard a groan, which stopped her dead in her tracks.

The groan grew louder. It was coming from the door. She slowly turned and headed towards it slowly. She stared at it. Should she open it? The thing outside groaned again, and there was a loud bang, making Ella jump. She started taking steps back. Whatever it was, it wanted to get in. It banged on the door again, harder, making the door shake along with the walls. Ella had backed up so far that she was on the first step of the stairs now. It banged one more time, and the door came crashing down this time.

Ella screamed at what was in front of her.

Eric was standing in front of her. wasn't him. He had blood all over his body, and half of his face was gone. It - Eric - opened its mouth and groaned, taking a step inside, slowly.

Ella stood there and stared.

Oh. My. God. My boyfriend came back a zombie.

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