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"Nico!" Will yelled in distress, desperately attempting to save his friend's life. "Come on, Nico, don't leave me! You promised that we would all get back alive!" The blond one cried out, while Clarisse watched on with impotence. "Father, please help him! He protected me, returned your prophetic abilities, and saved Olympus thousands of times... please, Dad. Save him."

"Angel..." the broken whisper of a manly voice prompted Clarisse to position herself defensively between the unknown person and her partners. However, upon realizing it was Apollo, she stopped in her tracks. "Damn it, Angel! I told you I didn't want anyone to die because of this," he cursed angrily.

Nico's body convulsed with pain, the venom seeped through his veins, spreading its toxic tendrils with ruthless determination. His breathing became labored, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead as the poison worked its insidious magic. Apollo, swiftly took his beloved one away from his son's arms, healing the dark-haired demigod without a care for potential consequences from his father. His eyes wide with concern, hands trembling slightly as he assessed the severity of the venom. The bite mark, a dark, angry puncture on Nico's skin.

The God, determined to save the one he loved, called upon his divine powers. A soft, golden glow enveloped Apollo's hands as he gently placed them over the wound. The warmth emanating from his touch was soothing, a comforting embrace against the agony that coursed through Nico's body. As Apollo focused his divine energy, the golden glow intensified, casting a radiant light that seemed to defy the encroaching darkness of the venom. The god's eyes shone with a mixture of concentration and unwavering determination.

The golden light began to seep into Nico's skin, tracing the contours of the bite mark. It danced along the poisoned veins, weaving a delicate tapestry of celestial energy that counteracted the venom's deadly effects. The seconds felt like an eternity, a suspended moment where the outcome hung in the balance. The god's breath hitched, and his eyes never wavered from the task at hand. Then, a palpable shift occurred. The venom's hold on Nico began to loosen. The convulsions that had wracked his body subsided, replaced by a gradual calm. Apollo's golden light continued its dance, erasing the darkness that had threatened to consume Nico from the inside.

The other two demigods fell into a solemn hush as Apollo's healing powers worked their magic on Nico. Clarisse, though initially wary, observed the interaction between the God and the son of Hades with a mix of relief and curiosity.

A collective sigh of relief seemed to echo through the air as the healing neared completion. Nico's breathing steadied, and color returned to his cheeks, the vitality of life restored. Apollo withdrew his hands, the golden glow dissipating into the air. He looked down at Nico with a mixture of exhaustion and triumph. Apollo sighed in relief. "Thank Olympus," he murmured before tenderly kissing the sleeping Italian on the lips.

"Dad?!" Exclaimed a bewildered Solace. "What are you doing?!"

"Hehe, you see, Will, when someone loves another one, they tend to express those feelings with actions..." The God's explanation was interrupted by his son's angry outburst.

"I know how it works, Dad! But that doesn't explain why you are kissing my friend!"

"Solace," grunted Clarisse, who was as shocked as her partner. "I think that Apollo is trying to tell you that he wants to get into Death Boy's pants."

"Why does everyone think that?!" The shout, full of rage, from the God made both demigods shake in fear. "Let's get out of here." Apollo then snapped them to Olympus, still cradling Nico to his chest.

"Apollo!" Zeus exclaimed, surprised. "What is the meaning of this?" Every Olympian was gathered to be informed of the new changes that happened last night, all but Apollo, who just barged into the throne room with three demigods.

"This team has just defeated Python. Also, they returned my oracle's ability to see the future. I think they should be rewarded for their great merits," explained the Sun God before sitting on his throne with an unconscious Nico still in his arms.

"Zeus, I think that Apollo is right," said Hades before his little brother could open his mouth. "Clarisse led the Greek armies in both wars and won them. She was the leader of the quest to find the Golden Fleece and is the first one to kill a drakon in almost five centuries. And now she helped defeat a Python, which had only been killed before by a major God. Will has saved numerous lives in both wars, putting his life in danger, and he was the one to slay the Python- a feat only his father had achieved before him. Let's not even start with my son; we would stay at least the whole day talking about all the things he has done for us. Also, we need new Gods. After all, you took the powers of a lot of Gods and Goddesses."

"They betrayed us in both wars!" Zeus defended himself.

"I know, love, but what Hades is trying to say is that we need to turn demigods into Gods so they can occupy those places," Poseidon tried to calm his lover down.

"Oh... then I think it's a good idea," concurred the King of Gods. "Is anyone against that idea?" No one raised their hands, and the atmosphere in the throne room became filled with anticipation for the changes that were about to unfold. "Then these demigods will be gifted with godhood. Do you accept it?"

"I will, if when I marry Chris, he will be turned into a God as well," replied Clarisse determinedly.

"I think that..." Zeus looked at his son Hermes, who had turned his puppy eyes on him, silently begging for him to accept. "...that it's a reasonable demand. After all, there are a lot of Gods that took mortal lovers as their spouses."

"I want to... but I can't leave my siblings alone," answered Will.

"You won't have to." The voice of Nico startled everyone. No one had noticed him waking up. "I am being gifted for all my most important merits, which are: the Second Titan War, the Second Giant War, and the Python Quest. That means I have three gifts, which I'll use to give Victoria, Austin, and Kayla godhood."

"But what about you?!" Solace demanded. He liked the idea of living forever with his siblings and being able to help so many people with those new powers. However, if Nico would end up being affected, he wouldn't accept it.

"I will turn into a God when I marry Apollo." Everyone stopped talking and looked at the couple in surprise. Di Angelo turned to look at the Sun God and smiled at him. "By the way, the answer is yes."

"I... Yes!" Apollo exclaimed in joy before kissing the demigod with all his passion.

"These two days have really been memorable... maybe I'll tell Sally about them. She would love to write a book about it," commented Poseidon as Tartarus broke free.

"Take your hand off my son!"

"What the Hades is going on?"

"Explain now!"

"Pay! I am never wrong when it comes to love."

"This is madness!"

Will and Clarisse looked at each other and asked at the same time, "What have we gotten ourselves into?" The atmosphere in the room became chaotic as the Olympians tried to understand what the Tartarus was going on.

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