Fourth Date

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"Nico! Is this okay?" Will asked, a burst of excitement evident in his tone, attempting to replicate the posture that the son of Hades had demonstrated earlier.

They were both, along with a group of enthusiastic demigods, in the self-defense class taught by Nico. The son of Hades, with his extensive experience facing monsters during his numerous travels, made him the ideal instructor for this particular class.

"Not bad, Will," acknowledged di Angelo.

Solace beamed with happiness at receiving praise from the hero he looked up to. However, Nico could only find himself captivated by those beautiful eyes radiating joy. The glimmer under the sun reminded him of Apollo's eyes, filled with joy during their stroll under the lights of Paris on their last date. Nico still couldn't believe that he had been dating Apollo for a whole month now.

Shaking his head to break free from the enchanting memories, di Angelo continued giving feedback to the son of Apollo, "But you have to hold your sword higher and your arms firmer."

As the self-defense class progressed, Nico found himself delving into the vivid details of one particularly harrowing encounter with a Chimera. Seated on a makeshift wooden platform, surrounded by his attentive students, Nico's dark eyes sparkled with a mixture of intensity and nostalgia as he began recounting the tale.

"There I was, deep in the heart of a dense forest, chasing down a lead on a potential monster sighting," Nico began, his voice carrying a haunting cadence that matched the gravity of the story. "The air was thick with tension, and shadows danced between the trees. I could sense the presence of something sinister lurking nearby."

His hands moved animatedly, recreating the tension in the air as he continued, "Suddenly, the underbrush erupted, and the Chimera emerged—a grotesque amalgamation of a lion, a goat, and a serpent. Flames flickered in his eyes, and his roar echoed through the forest, sending shivers down my spine."

Nico's gaze drifted to the students, gauging their reactions, before he continued, "I knew I had to act quickly. The goat's hooves stumped through the air, and the lion's head snapped menacingly. Meanwhile, the serpent's tail lashed out with deadly precision."

With a sudden burst of energy, Nico demonstrated the defensive maneuvers he had employed in that life-or-death moment. The students watched, captivated, as he skillfully weaved through the imaginary strikes, illustrating the dance of combat against such a formidable foe.

"I summoned the shadows to shield myself from the fiery breath of the Chimera, narrowly evading his attacks," he narrated, his movements mirroring the ebb and flow of the mythical battle. "Each encounter with a monster is a lesson—a test of not just strength, but wits and strategy. You have to anticipate their moves, adapt on the fly, and sometimes, trust in your instincts when facing the unknown."

The students absorbed the intensity of the narrative, their own imaginations fueling the suspense of the moment. As Nico concluded the tale, a collective exhalation swept through the group, realizing the gravity of the challenges that awaited them as demigods. One thing was the wars, that had an end. But the life of a demigod was a never-ending battle against monsters that might appear out of nowhere.

The son of Hades glanced at his watch and muttered in Italian, "The class is over!" His announcement met with a chorus of protests from his students. "I have something else to do now, so bye."

With those words, the dark-haired demigod hurried to his cabin, swiftly changing for his date with Apollo. Nico opted for a black shirt paired with black jeans adorned with zippers, a spiked choker, black boots featuring numerous clips, and a black belt embellished with a skull in the center. Sporting a punk bad boy aesthetic, Nico couldn't quite pinpoint how he ended up with this style but playfully blamed his cousin Thalia for the influence.

Following Apollo's instructions from the previous week, the God had informed his beloved that Nico should be ready at six o'clock, eagerly anticipating their next date. As Nico admired the golden bracelet on his wrist, he noticed the new charms that had joined the existing ones—a silver deer, a black lily, and a golden swan.

"I hope he likes this look," di Angelo mumbled to himself, crossing his fingers that Apollo didn't overhear. Naturally, the opposite occurred.

As Nico stepped out of his cabin, he was met with the radiant presence of Apollo, whose warm smile could rival the sun's brilliance. The God's eyes sparkled with appreciation as they scanned Nico's transformed appearance.

"You look stunning, Angel," Apollo remarked, his voice carrying genuine admiration. Nico felt a flush of warmth spread across his cheeks, grateful for the compliment. The God's divine gaze lingered on the additional charms adorning Nico's bracelet. "Do you like the new additions to the collection?" Apollo inquired, a playful gleam in his eyes.

Nico nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, they spruce things up a bit."

Apollo leaned in, his lips brushing against Nico's ear as he whispered, "You always manage to exceed my expectations."

The demigod's heart fluttered at Apollo's words, feeling a mixture of excitement and contentment. As they ventured out for their date, Nico couldn't help but reflect on how each moment with Apollo brought unexpected joy and a sense of belonging. Blushing despite his efforts, the son of Hades managed a shy smile. "Where are we going?"

"You should know by now my answer..." Apollo began, but Nico interrupted.

"'s a surprise."

"That's right!" With a snap of his fingers, the blond God teleported them into the middle of a huge crowd. "Welcome to Scotland!"

"Scotland?! Wait a minute... is that a stage?" Di Angelo turned to Apollo with wide-open eyes. "Are we going to see a concert?"

"Yes, we will!" Answered the equally delighted God. "I know from a good source that you like Avenged Sevenfold very much."

"Like them?! They're my favorite band!" Nico exclaimed. Overwhelmed with gratitude, the son of Hades jumped on the God, hugging him tightly. In a pure instinctual move, Nico kissed his date, a gesture that had become a frequent occurrence between them. "Thank you so much, Apollo!"

The anticipation for the concert heightened, blending with the excitement of the crowd and the vibrant atmosphere of the stadium. As they looked around, the stage towered before them, bathed in colorful lights. The distant hum of the crowd and the buzz of excitement filled the air. The anticipation for the Avenged Sevenfold concert was palpable, and Nico couldn't contain his enthusiasm.

Apollo smiled, reveling in Nico's joy. As Apollo parted his lips, poised to say something, the stage lights abruptly shifted their focus, and the legendary band, Avenged Sevenfold, emerged. The stadium erupted in cheers as the opening chords of "Nightmare" reverberated through the air, setting the tone for an electrifying concert. The son of Hades, immersed in the pulsating beats, found himself swept up in a tide of memories from Tartarus, stirred by the poignant lyrics of the song.

Sensing Nico's emotional response, Apollo instinctively wrapped an arm around his beloved, offering silent support. The God sought to infuse a glimmer of light into the demigod's shadows. Grateful for the comforting gesture, Nico leaned into the God's embrace, allowing the shared experience of the music to drown out the haunting echoes of his past.

The crowd, particularly Nico and Apollo, became a unified chorus, belting out the lyrics with fervor and cheering for more. In the midst of the communal energy, as the song reached its climax with the lyrics, "As your nightmare comes to life," Nico couldn't help but murmur to himself, "Mine already did." To which in response Apollo tightened his embrace, a silent reassurance that banished the darker thoughts that lingered in the demigod's mind.

As the final notes of the song resonated through the venue, the crowd erupted in an enthusiastic display of appreciation, clamoring for an encore. Obliging the fervent requests, Avenged Sevenfold plunged into the next set, keeping the momentum alive. The concert continued, each song forging a connection between the audience and the performers, with Nico forgetting all about Tartarus and reveling with Apollo in their shared euphoria.

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