Reactions and a Wedding

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"You seem to have been very busy lately, Grace," commented Percy. He had been walking towards his cabin after an intense hour of sword training when he noticed Jason leaning against a tree with a tired expression. "Why do you let the Gods make you do this?"

"It's my job, Jackson," replied the son of Jupiter grumpily. "I have to make sure that relationships between Gods and us are good, so they won't try to kill us or curse us," he explained. "Now leave, Percy. I want to rest and not have you annoying me."

"I am hurt, Jason!" The son of Poseidon exclaimed, faking being hurt by the comment. "I thought we were friends!"

"Leave!" Grace shouted.

"Never! Jackson screamed back.

"I finally found you!" The voices of their girlfriends made both heroes stop arguing and turn to look at them.

"We need your help with the wedding," announced Piper.

"There's still a lot to do, and Nico is freaking out about meeting his stepchildren," added Annabeth.

"Wedding?! Nico?! Stepchildren?!" Asked, almost shouted, both guys.

"Well, yes. Nico is engaged to Apollo, so a wedding and meeting stepchildren tend to happen," said the daughter of Athena in a tone that tended to make people feel stupid.

"Nico is marrying Apollo?!" Yelled the young heroes of Olympus.

"You didn't know?" Inquired the daughter of Aphrodite. Her expression changed from exasperation to understanding. "Let us explain to you what happened these last two months."

As Piper and Annabeth began recounting the events of the past months, the atmosphere shifted from confusion to disbelief in Percy and Jason's faces. They listened intently as the story unfolded, discovering the unexpected twists and turns that led to Nico and Apollo's engagement. The revelation left them both shocked.

"So, Nico is getting married, and Apollo will be his stepchildren's parent?" Percy clarified, still trying to wrap his head around the situation.

"Yes, that's the gist of it," replied Piper with a knowing smile. "And that's why we need your help with the wedding preparations. It's going to be quite an event!"

"It is not that easy!" Jason exclaimed, his brain turned to much by the bomb that had been dropped on him.

After a long talk, a few almost heart attacks, a lot of yelling, some crying, and a couple of threats, Percy and Jason decided to pay their parents a visit. They felt a sense of urgency to intervene and stop the impending wedding that was causing chaos among the gods.

"You have to stop the wedding!" Both heroes demanded, bursting into the grand hall of Olympus.

However, they were met with a sight that left them both horrified. Both of their dads were engaged in a passionate make-out session, fervently attempting to disrobe each other. The demigods recoiled, turning around abruptly, and muttering under their breaths. The scene was etched into their memories, a sight they would never forget.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Roared the king of Gods, his voice echoing through the grand hall, thunders providing a dramatic backdrop.

Zeus had been relishing a rare moment of happiness with the love of his life. After millennia of waiting, he finally had Poseidon in his possession. He felt a profound regret for letting Hera play with his emotions, for mistreating his big brother so cruelly, and especially for not being the king he should have been.

His broken heart had fueled anger and resentment, making him believe that everyone would take things from him, just as Hades had taken Poseidon away. Now, he saw an opportunity to rectify his mistakes. It started with giving Hades and Hestia the thrones that had been neglected for so long, casting Hera out of Olympus, and ensuring Nico received the life he deserved.

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