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Melinda P.O.V

Just when we were about to attack Zaraya, the moon split into two and the sky color changed to red. In all my experience with witchcraft I've never seen anything like it. A bright white light came at me with a great amount of force. I clenched my eyes closed so I wouldn't be affected by the brightness. "Your always so hard on her." I heard my mother say. I opened my eyes and viewed my surroundings. I was definitely in the manor. The voices were coming from the dining room. I quickly hid myself behind the wall that separates the kitchen and the dining room. "Piper she has no vision, no sense of the future." My aunt Prue replied. Her hair was short and they definitely looked younger. This must be the night they receive their powers.

"I really think Phoebe's coming around." My mother said sincere. "Well as long as she doesn't come around here I guess that's good news." Aunt Prue walked over to the step on ladder and began working on the chandelier. The phone rang. My mom walked over to it and answered. It was Jeremy. I remember her telling me she dated a warlock. Aunt Prue looked up at the chandelier. "I don't get it. I tried everything, there's no reason why this chandelier shouldn't be working." "Uh you know how we been talking about what to do with that spare room? I think your right we do need a roommate " My mom walked over to aunt Prue as she stepped off of the ladder. "Well we can rent out the room in a reduce rate in exchange for help around the house." Aunt Prue suggested.

"Phoebe's good with a wrench." Mom said as she placed her head on one side. Aunt Prue looked at my mom. "Phoebe lives in New York." She said before walking away. "Not anymore." My mother said causing aunt Prue to stop in her tracks and turn around. "What?" She asked. My mom started to rub her hands together slowly. "She left New York she's moving back in with us." All aunt Prue can do was stare. "You've got to be kidding." She said as she walked away. My mother followed. I walked threw the dining room and hid behind the couch in the living room. "I could hardly say no. I mean it's her house too, it was willed to all of us." Aunt Prue began washing her hands. "Yeah months ago, we haven't seen or spoken to her since." My mom placed a hand on her hip. "Well you haven't spoken to her." Aunt Prue dried her hands with a small red towel. "No Switzerland, I haven't. Maybe you forgotten why I'm still mad at her." Aunt Prue leaned against the wall."Of course not but she had no where else to go. She lost her job, she's in debt." "And this is news?" Aunt Prue asked. "How long have you known about this anyway?" She asked.

"A few days.. maybe a week." My mother replied. "Or two." She added. "Right." Aunt Prue replied. "Thanks for sharing. So when does she arrive?" She asked. "Now." Aunt Paige said as her and aunt Phoebe walked into the manor. Aunt Prue walked over to aunt Paige and pulled her by the arm. "Did you know about this?" She asked. "Possibly." Aunt Paige replied. Aunt Paige? That can't be right.
Wyatt and HJ were hiding behind the bookshelves in the attic as they watched an unusual conversation. "Leo honey your powers are tied to your emotions." Piper told him. "Yeah yeah Piper." He replied. "I didn't ask for this power, I don't know why the elders gave it to me." He said in a mean tone. "I'll go check with them to see if they have anything on the demon." Piper said before she orbed out. Leo walked out of the attic. "What the hell was that?" HJ asked. "When the universe rips open I guess this is what happens." Wyatt replied. "How do we get back to the others?" HJ asked. "I don't know."
Kat and Courtney were in a parallel universe. Courtney did a double back flip barely dodging the fireball thrown at her by Piper. "Aunt Piper, it's us." Kat told her. "It's not her." Courtney told Kat as they slowly backed up. "The split sent us into a parallel universe." Courtney explained. "So where are the others?" Kat asked not taking her eyes off of Piper. "Who knows. They can be on Mars, so some where in the past." Piper threw another fireball. "Fireball!" Kat called for as she orbed it back to Piper. She screamed in excruciating pain before exploding. Paige flamed in. "Mom?" Kat said. "What did you do? You killed her." She said as she made a energy ball appear."We can take her. Remember she's not really aunt Paige." Paige flamed out and flamed back in with Avery. "Avery?" Courtney asked. Avery closed her eyes and quickly opened them. Paige made a energy ball appear. "Energy ball!" Kat called for.

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