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"Woah okay Leo you have claws. Why do you have claws?" Piper asked. "Well I was walking home and I saw this strange looking man." Leo explained. "I walked-" "long story short, he stopped an innocent from getting killed by the last werewolf." Courtney said cutting Leo off. "Then the werewolf bit him turning him into a werewolf." Adam added. "Then he killed it making him the last werewolf." Courtney said. "How did you know that?" Asked Leo. "We heard the story a million times." Adam replied. "Wait so you knew this was going to happen?" Patience asked. Courtney and Adam shook their heads. "This is not okay." Piper told everyone. "My husband is a werewolf." Leo shrugged his shoulders. "My wife's a witch." Piper wiggled her nose. "Too shay." "Cool my dad's a werewolf." Chris said excitedly.

"I've read about werewolves in magic school." Melinda told everyone. "Here we go." Tamora said above a whisper. "They are incredibly fast, incredibly strong, they have enhanced senses, can heal and have the ability to transform into a wolf." Melinda explained. "Well this is good." Wyatt said. "One extra advantage." We still need a plan." HJ reminded everyone. Melinda heard a call for help. "Avery's in trouble." She said as she orbed out.
Future PJ (Zaraya) had Avery huddled up in her bedroom corner while Justin laid unconscious on the floor. "I almost forgot about you." Zaraya said. "You almost stop me in the future. I can't have that happening again now could I?" "Melinda please hurry." Avery said above a whisper. Melinda orbed in. She flicked her hand at Zaraya's foot causing her to trip with a explosion. Melinda quickly ran over to Justin and Avery and orbed them back at the manor.
Everyone had just finished telling Leo everything that had happened when orbs started to fill the room."Oh my god what happened?" Piper asked as HJ and Patience stood up from the couch. Wyatt and Chris picked up Justin and placed him on the couch. "Zaraya happened." Melinda told everyone. "Avery sweetie." Paige got down on one knee. "Tell us what happened." Avery nodded her head. "Well I heard a noise coming from the kitchen." Avery explained. "I walked in the kitchen and saw Justin unconscious." "Wait a minute." Courtney said out loud. "Why didn't I think of this sooner?" Courtney walked over towards Avery. "Avery." She said as her voice soften up. "Can you tell me all of the powers you have right now?" She asked.

"I only have two." Avery replied. "Photokinesis and power blocking." Wyatt's eyes widened. "That makes sense. That's why when we tried to orb to Melinda that day she found you we kept getting sent back to the manor." Courtney nodded her head. "That means Avery can block Zaraya's powers." Said Chris. "But she doesn't know how to control it." Justin said as he sat up on the couch. "Well If we get Avery to control it then Zaraya's powerless." Prue said.

"Okay Avery." Melinda told her. "Wyatt's going to conjure some fake demons. Really focus on blocking their powers." All the cousins stepped back as Prue and Chris used their telekinesis to move the couches so Avery can have room. Wyatt waved his had and a demon appeared. He let out a small dark chuckle as he made a fireball appear in his hand. Avery concentrated real hard on blocking the demons powers. It didn't work. The demon threw the fireball hitting Avery causing her to flinch. "Why doesn't it hurt?" She asked. "Well I have full control over the demons. I can make their attacks real or-" Wyatt stopped in his tracks. "I have an idea. Justin looked at his watch. "My brother is probably home by now. The kitchen is a mess. He probably thinks something happened to me and Avery." "Or worse." Tamora said. "Zaraya can still be there." Kat added. I'll go get him." Paige said as she orbed out.

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