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Wyatt, Melinda, Chris, HJ, and the twins were training in the basement of the Halliwell manor. "I just can't believe the three P's aren't here." HJ said referring to Prue, Patience, and Parker. Wyatt used his energy waves to take out four demons. "Aunt Phoebe won't let them. I can't believe aunt Paige fought Aunt Prue." "And was about to kick her ass if I might add." HJ said while using his electrokinesis to take out a demon. "This is kinda our fault." Melinda blew up one demon and melted another. "No way." Chris said as he sent a demon flying with the wave of his arm. "Yeah all we did was find aunt Prue and bought her here. Wait.. it is our faults." Wyatt said sounding guilty. "Actually it's Melinda's fault." Tamora said as she orbed a weight at a demon. "My fault? How is this my fault?"
"You are the one who invited aunt Prue inside the manor." Kat told Melinda. Melinda flicked her hands and both twins froze. Parker beamed into the basement.

"Guys listen up I don't have that much time." Wyatt made the demons go away. "Unfreeze the twins Mel." Melinda flicked her hands towards the twins and both of them un froze. "Parker? Both twins said in unison. "Listen. I have a plan to get the sisters to forgive each other. I over heard aunt Prue tell my mom she regrets fighting aunt Paige and she didn't mean to hurt her." Parker explained. "She will never admit it." Tamora said. "All we gotta do is get the four of them together and cast a truth spell." Parker said. All the cousins heads turned to a beam that was now forming in the basement. "Gotta go." Parker said before she beamed out.

Phoebe and coop were now in the basement. "Hey guys did Parker come here?" Phoebe asked. "Nope." Wyatt and Chris said in unison. "Nada." HJ told Phoebe. "Who's Parker?" Melinda said as she nervously laughed. Phoebe and Coop pushed their eyebrows together in confusion. "Uh okay. How's Piper doing?" She asked with a concern look on her face. "She's doing good. In fact she actually wanted to invite you to dinner." Chris told his aunt. "And aunt Prue." Kat added. "Well okay tell-" Phoebe was interrupted by Melinda orbing out. Melinda orbed back. "Did you just orb?" Phoebe asked. Melinda shook her head. "Well tell her we will be there tonight." Phoebe said as her and Coop beamed out. "All we gotta do is convince aunt Paige." Chris said.

Courtney and Adam were in the the attic. Courtney was using her telepathy power to ease drop on the cousins conversation. "Parker is going to cast a truth spell." Courtney said in a worry tone. "So?" Adam replied as he sat on the couch. Courtney walked over to Adam used her telekinesis to stand him up and started shaking him. "If she cast a truth spell then that effects everyone even us!" She stopped shaking him. He fell back on the couch from dizziness. "Ohh" He simply replied. Courtney rolled her eyes at her little brother and started to pace around the room. "Okay Prue was not suppose to fight Paige. This is our fault but If we see any Halliwells we avoid them." Adam pushed his eyebrows together. "How?"

Courtney stopped pacing and turned to her brother. "The only powers you showed them was astral projection, orbing, and healing." "Okay so?" Adam replied. "You never showed them your hyper speed. So every time you see a Halliwell act like it's a new power that you can't control." Adam nodded to the good idea. "What about you?" Adam asked. "Don't worry about me." Courtney replied. "WHAT!" Courtney and Adam heard as they orbed downstairs.

"What do you mean Phoebe and Prue are coming over for dinner?" Piper asked Wyatt, Chris, Melinda, HJ, and the twins. "Aunt Piper they are Halliwell's." Kat replied. "Yeah aunt Piper their your sisters." Tamora added. Piper looked to the floor. "Paige will never agree." Piper said. "Don't worry about my mother I will handle her." HJ said to Piper.
Later that night
Parker beamed into the attic of the Halliwell manor. She started flipping threw the pages of the book of shadows looking for the truth spell. "Found it!" She said to herself. " For those who want the truth revealed, Opened hearts and secrets unsealed, From now until it's now again, After which the memory ends. Those who now are in this house, Will hear the truth from other's mouths." Patience read.

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