Chapter 1

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“Hey troublemaker.” Riley said as I grabbed my seat at our regular table, “How was your romantic date with the Principal?” She cooed clasping her hands together jokingly.

“Shut it.” I whined rolling my eyes, “Got a phone call home, nothing out of the ordinary.”

I opened my backpack and pulled out my lunch as I saw the others heading our way casually laughing and ignoring those bizarre stares we get a lot from the other kids in this place.

“Yo, yo, yo!” Jason said seizing the seat next to me, “What goes on?” He brushed his hair out of his eyes and set his tray of food on the table before shooting Riley a smile. It was no secret he had a thing for her and visa versa, why they weren’t a couple yet, I don’t know.

There were three other people who I’d become familiar with since I started here, Nathaniel, Jenna and Carter. They were a lot like me, quite reserved and kept to themselves a lot, judged because they were quiet and a little distinctive. Its just how this school worked, you have a tiny differentiating quality and you’re an outcast.

“Has anybody seen the new guy?” Jenna mused brushing her blonde locks over her shoulder before smiling a mischievous smile.

My eyes widened at the remembrance of my previous encounter with him and I averted my gaze straight to the floor not needing to be questioned about how he saved me from a likely concussion.

“There’s a new guy?” Riley said perking up a bit, “What’s he like?”

“Tall, tanned, hot.” Jenna said dreamily, “Just spent Biology class with him, he’s perfect. Quite quiet though, didn’t say a word. Despite Tamara’s attempts to talk to him anyways.”

“He’s British too.” I mumbled under my breath fidgeting with my hands as they rested in my lap not being able to get my mind off of him now he was brought into the conversation.

“Huh?” Everyone else chorused obviously hearing my little not so illiterate comment.

I cleared my throat, shit, “He’s British.” I said a little louder refusing to look at anyone.

“How do you know?” Carter queried, “Jenna said he hasn’t said a word since he got here.”

“Uh, well I kind of ran into him after my meeting with the principal.” I shrugged I mean it’s not a big deal, right?

“NO WAY!” Jenna wailed, “Did you guys hit it off?” She seemed exaggeratedly excited, she doesn’t even know this guy yet its like he is some kind of celebrity.

“Ugh no!” I scoffed rolling my eyes, “We haven’t even spoke directly, I just over heard him talking to the office lady.”

Carter raised an eyebrow, “But you said you ran into him?” He queried, “What aren’t you telling us?”

“Jeez you’re a bunch of persistent little buggers aren’t you?” I muttered, “While walking to lunch we bumped into each other, literally. He helped me stay stable before I actually fell and then he walked off. That is all.”

“Oooh.” Jason said in a mocking tone before nudging me in the side.

I shoved him away and murmured, “Get lost dickhead.”

“So, is he even more beautifully attractive up close?” Jenna pursued her grey eyes shimmering away at the eagerness of another guy to perve on.


All the girls seemed to do it, fixating over some guy because of his prodigious and godlike, astounding good looks. 

It was totally not my style though.

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