Sweet Envy

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Sweet Envy.

I clenched my fists crumpling the detention note in my palm and throwing it in the nearest trashcan, today was seriously not my day. In my defence I didn’t mean to get in a punch up, the bitch was asking for it. I stormed through the hallways of the school glaring at anyone and everyone. I wasn’t in the mood for the preppy girls and their shit today.

“Who’d you get in a fight with this time you badass?” I turned around to find my best friend Riley smiling at me her big green eyes alight with interest and humour.

“It doesn’t matter.” I shrugged hitching my backpack higher on my shoulder, “All that matters is she got what she deserved.”

“Somebody’s cranky today.” Riley chuckled, “This wouldn’t happen if you just minded your own business.”

I stopped in my tracks and turned to stare at her, “I can’t help it Riley you know that.” I muttered. I was always the curious type. I guess you could call me the accidental eavesdropper, I didn’t mean to find out secrets I just stumbled across them and usually they got me into trouble. Like today for instance, I didn’t mean to hear all about this girls secrets she just happened to talk to loud while I was in the bathroom.

Riley smiled at me her natural auburn coloured hair blowing around from the cool draft the air-con was giving off. “Well I commend you for it.” She said clapping her hands in appreciation. I had a small group of friends at this school; there are about 5 of us. We’re known for picking our fights foolishly and rashly but we aren’t bad people. Simply misunderstood. Especially me, everyone thought I was nosy yet I merely accidently came across what people didn’t want me to know. But hey, knowing peoples deepest darkest confessions isn’t that bad I mean what’s the worst that could happen with a little bit of knowledge?

“Well I’ll see you at lunch, right now I have a date with the principal.” I said sadly, oh I could only imagine my parent’s reaction to this fight. I shuddered at the thought of it and waved goodbye to Riley and continued walking down the hallway to the administration block.

 “Miss Alyssa, we meet again.” The principal addressed me as I sat down on the uncomfortable armchair in front of his big towering desk. I shifted in my seat nervously twiddling my fingers around and looking up at the unsympathetic, stern gaze penetrating from his piercing grey eyes. “It seems you have quite the reputation for finding yourself in trouble.” He said coolly as he paced around his office admiring his trophies and achievements while I sat there trying my best to come off emotionless and impassive.

“I guess you could say that.” I said plainly.

The principal sighed and ran a hand through his short grey hair, he pulled off his square rimmed glasses to reveal a tired and weathered face, I guess many years of dealing with delinquents like me was exhausting. “What did you do this time?” He muttered before sitting in his big black office chair and shuffling through a few papers. He pushed his glasses to the tip of his nose as he read a freshly printed sheet, no doubt my incident report, which would be added to my school file. “A punch up with Miss Williams?” He said sounding quite astonished as his eyes widened and his jaw slightly dropped open.

At the mention of her name my eyes narrowed. Tamara Williams, the girl everyone feared, everyone but me that is. She was what you call Miss popular, pretty, preppy, had every guy within a 10 mile radius falling at her feet like worshipers, she was hot and she liked to remind everyone that as much as she could. It seems I pick my fights with the wrong people but this time she was asking for it.

“Would you mind telling me why you decided to attempt to hit her?” The principal asked.

I folded my arms and silently shook my head; he didn’t deserve an explanation besides what’s the point? Tamara can get out of anything with a wave of her hand.

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