The Nine Tails

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Animalover9 This is dedicated to you because you asked me to upload it, and I've been needing to for a LONGGGGG time I hope it's good!  :)

Ren’s Pov.

I sat up straight and listened.  I’d heard something, but what was it?  I stayed silent hoping that whatever the noise was would come again, it did.  It sounded like voices, I listened carefully.  “There are only three people.”  I heard one of the voices say.

“I see that baka.”  Someone else said

“Ok but where is she?”  The first voice asked.

“How should I know?!”  The other person said.


They were cut off by the other voice.  “Shss one of them is awake.”

I should of regained most of my chakra by now.   I made my hand signs and estimated the location of the people based off of where their voices had come from.  There!  That should be pretty good.  I walked over to where I’d guessed they were, and observed my trap.  It had sort of worked.  It had one of the two people in it.  I recognized the person immediately, but more importantly the person who was slowly creeping up behind me was the nine tails jinchuriki!  It amused me, he had no idea that I knew he was behind me.  I waited till the jinchuriki was inches away from me and then I turned around.  This’ll be fun.

El’s Pov.

I hadn’t gone far, when I decided to go back, at least to where I could see and hear what my kidnappers were doing.   I thought that I might find something useful by listening to what they were saying.  When I got back I noticed one of them was gone, that might have made me rethink my decision to stay but the other two were up now and I wanted to hear what they’d say when they discovered me and the other girl both gone.  I saw their faces and I remembered their names, the one with the long blonde hair was Deidara I was pretty sure, and the other was Itachi I knew that for sure.  At that moment they began arguing, and what they were fighting about was what caught my attention.

Ren’s Pov.

I walked back to the spot that I’d left Deidara and Itachi.  I had a few cuts maybe one or two bruises but for the most part I was fine, what’s more I was proud.  I walked up to Itachi and Deidara  ,who were arguing over who knows what, with a smirk on my face.

“Why are you so happy, that girl got away and we still don’t have the nine tails.”  Deidara said.

I laughed.  “wait here.”  I walked back to where I’d left the unconscious jinchuriki and dragged him back.  “I told you they’d come for their friend.  Look who still has her perfect record.”

Deidara laughed.  “I knew this was all about your record.”

“Were there any others?”  Itachi asked.

“Just one, he got away because I had to release my jutsu when I was fighting the nine tails.”

“Hn.”  There he goes again one word, would it kill him to say good job or not bad!

I tossed the jinchuriki over to Itachi, it was just seconds after that I felt something cold around my throat.  I looked down and saw a kunai pressed against my throat.

Ok sorry it's short I hope you liked it!!  Please comment!!!  Thanks!

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