
45 1 7

Autumn Grace

As I walked away from the group and into the classroom the my third lecture was held, I glanced behind me and noticed Calum Hood and Summer's foreheads pressed together away from the rest of the group. I had hoped that she was dating one of those boys, and I'm glad it seemed to be Calum Hood since he was a respectful, and kind person.

Continuing my way up the stairs to choose a seat, I noticed the teacher had already been sitting down when I entered. The classroom was mainly empty with the exception of me and a few other students. Taking my seat, I noted that the professors name was Ms. Lamb.

Within minutes, the class had filled up with about eighteen kids. I didn't know whether to be grateful or offended since hardly anyone, compared to my other lectures, chose to major in this subject.

"Welcome, class." Ms. Lamb had stood in front of us, her soft voice echoing on the walls. "In this class you will be learning the fundamentals of technical writing, and what careers you can attend if you become successful in this field. These jobs are usually highly in demand in our area, so please take these lectures to mind and do your best to learn as much as you can."

The class continued to remain silent, all eyes on the older lady who had a monotone voice and eyes blue enough to act as the sky. She continued to lecture while I silently pulled out my sketchbook, still listening to her speech, but I began sketching.

Beginning with a tall feminine body frame, I continued to sketch out the outline of a pair of loose slacks, a thin robe spinning out as an outer wear, and a tucked-in draw strong blouse. The woman's jaw naturally sketched out sharply, a strong heart shaped facial structure turning its self out onto the page in front of me. Unruly, wildly curly hair swirls began to start at her 2-D scalp, cutting off just above her shoulders. I began to shade all around, skipping the facial feature details.

"Class dismissed." Shuffles around the room started, and I pulled out my phone to glance at the time. Mrs. Lamb had gone 3 minutes over the time, and I missed every single word she had said when I pulled out my sketchbook. How could I be so stupid? "Miss with the drawing book, please leave it in the dorms next week."

I kept my gaze down in shame as I nodded and began to pack up my stuff, shoving my pencil and pen into my bag messily, and tucking my sketchbook under my arm as I rushed out of the classroom.

Standing awkwardly in the hall, I hurriedly pulled out my phone and earbuds, plugging one end into my cell phone and the other into my ears. I pressed play, furrowing my brows in thought as Bon Iver soothed my anxious ears.

That was so out of character of you, Autumn. Disrespectful too. You should have apologized to the professor, before rushing out of there like that! There's always next week, or the next time you see her.

Once I shook my head in shame for scolding myself about something I can't change at the moment, I walked quicker to my destined place. I had in mind that I would do a bit more of sketching before going to the dorms, which I now called home supposedly. Reaching a bench that was hidden behind a large tree on campus, I placed my bag down, sitting down next to it. I kicked my feet up, bending my knees to lean my sketchbook up on them. Taking out the dulling pencil from the spiral of the book, I flipped the page to start a new piece.

Chocolate, wavy eyes came to mind. Eyes that were the stereotypical boring color, but were somehow entrancing in comparison to any bright colored ones. Small illusions swarmed the iris, hidden patterns in just one color, but with multiple shades. Using my boring grey pencil, I imagined magical brown eyes, curious as to where I had seen them before.

Multiple taps on my light shoulder is what pulled my attention away from my page and pencil. I glanced up to where it was coming from, just to be met with the mischievous eyes I had previously been sketching. A harsh blush took place on the heights of my cheeks, as I watched pink and plump lips move with a shy smile. I blushed even harder, gently tugging an ear bud out of my ear.

"I'm sorry, Calum Hood, I didn't catch any of that." I dangled my ear bud, staring blankly back up at the boy who was shuffling awkwardly and looking around. Watching him intently, I followed his arm that pointed at the bench, the area where my feet occupied.

"Can I sit down?" He asked, and smile wandering onto his lips.

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been listening to my music so loud. It was inconsiderate of me to take up the whole bench, I'm sorry." I babbled on as I collected my bag, moving my feet clumsily onto the ground in front of me, dropping my bag out of my finger tips and my sketchbook off of my lap. "Sorry, I'm so clumsy."

"Let me help you." Calum Hood chuckled as he knelt down to pick up my bag, but I launched myself at it, gripping it in my hands before he could grab it. I sat on my knees, awkwardly looking at him with wide eyes.

"No, that's okay. Sit down, sorry." I blushed once again, sliding my bad on my shoulder, and picking up my sketchbook. Standing up, I quickly turned my back to him and began walking away quickly.

"Wait! Autumn!" Calum caught up to me quickly, his hand placing itself on my shoulder to stop me. "I just wanted to talk with you, can we?"

I looked at him with an innocent feeling in my gut, most likely a stomach ache from not eating all day. My head subtly nodded once, and we wandered back over to the bench.

HELLO! Long time no see omg well let me update you guys:
•I have SLFL concert tickets
•That is all I really just love 5sos

I'm reallyyyyyy sorry for putting this story on hold!! I just had to find the motivation to start back on it after my hiatus, and I've forgotten the plot line so I have to come up with a new one. But I still want to finish it, so I will! 💜


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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