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Autumn Grace

Sitting up with groggy eyes, I glance around the room. My eyes spot Summer messily sprawled across her bed, her arms being thrown across her body and hanging off the bed, and her legs twisted around each other and her covers. I cracked a smile at how peaceful she looked, and stood from my bed.

Walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I remember how Summer mentioned that she had afternoon classes today so I wouldn't have to wake her up. As I finished getting ready in the bathroom, I quietly slipped back into our room to pick up my previously chosen outfit. A pair of black leggings, a long and grey T-shirt, and a pair of high-top is what I chose. It was comfortable, and easy. I wasn't really materialistic when it came to appearance, I spent my money on paints, books, canvases, etc.

I waltzed out of our dorm room with a smile on my face, and my books in hand. As every other morning I did during the summer, I was going to walk to the on-campus coffee shop in the library, which luckily was right next to my first lecture.

Approaching the small coffee stand, I ordered what I usually got- A caramel frappuccino -and took a seat in the library, lifting up a folded newspaper for today. With a brief glance around the library, I noticed one of Summer's guy friend standing in front of a poster. The poster read about a painting contest, the prize being $5,000. Lamely, I decided to check out the poster after I got my coffee and the man was gone.

"Autumn?" The coffee man called my familiar name, and I stood up from my seat, quickly grabbing my coffee and shuffling over to the poster.

Summer's friend still stood there, aimlessly staring at the poster which was designed beautifully, but I ignored his presence and snapped a photo of the contest on my cell phone. I noticed the man had been staring at me, but I quickly walked away from him, heading into my first, out of three, lecture.


Professor Crum stood in the front of the room, the class about to start. She introduced herself to the entire class and gave us a warning of three minutes to settle down, or leave the classroom. I had been settled down for the past fifteen minutes.

Within the last minute, the same boy from the library darted through the door and rushed to find a seat next to a tall blond boy, and a boy with messy curls. As soon as the tan boy sat down, the other two began to smirk at him.

"That was a close one, what's your name?" Professor Crum asked the boy who had just rushed through the classroom.

"Calum Hood." He replied confidently.

"Mr. Hood, let's avoid situations like that for the future. Agreed?" She whirled an eyebrow as she held her hands together in front of her, as Calum Hood nodded in understanding. "Lovely. Now, as we start off this class, I should most likely state the lines as to how this class will be ran. Two essays are do each week, and sometimes there will be three. You will be given a prompt for each lecture you come to, and if you miss a class, you better get the prompt from a class mate, for I refuse to hand them out outside of class. Also, you will be released early from my lecture, commonly, and so I expect each assignment to be turned in on time."

The entire room remained silent, and I sat in my chair, taking notes of every word that fell from her chapping lips, as the weather got colder. My excitement for this class went up, as I thoroughly enjoyed essays and could whip out multiple within one night, meaning I will have time for my other lectures homework.

"Okay then! Today's prompt is going to be easy. A 7-paragraph essay on what career field you plan to pursue, including how and why. You organize whichever way you want, and hopefully you do it right." She observed the room, her eyes lingering on a handful of students- including me. "Class dismissed."


Sitting on a park bench, I pulled my jacket tighter around me as a gust of wind blew heavily past me. Placing my hand firmly on the page of my sketchbook, so it wouldn't blow away, I noticed a familiar figure sit down next to me with a sigh. I looked over at him, catching him staring.

"You're Summer's room mate, right?" He spoke up after a few seconds of awkward staring.

"That would be me." I replied lamely, my chapped cheeks brightening in embarrassment.  "You're Calum Hood, Summer's friend."

"Yeah, I am." He chuckled, scratching at his neck as he still looked at me. His eyes moved to my sketchbook, where my hand still covered my current drawing piece. "What's that?"

"This?" I tucked a flyaway hair behind my ear, biting my lip. "Just a little drawing I've started."

"Who is it?"

"Whoever you want it to be?"

"Deep." He cracked a smile as he looked back at my face. "I like your freckles."

"Thank you." I blushed once again. Checking the time, I stood up. "It was nice meeting you, but I've got my lecture coming up. Goodbye, Calum Hood."

"See you around, Autumn." He waved as I juggled my journals, pens, and sketchbook.

Gosh, I love Calum Hood.

Anyways, what do you think of Autumn so far? I hope to get more into how awkward she is when she is around new people but how confident she is in her head idk I relate to how I hope to create her. <3

ALSO- just a reminder that Esmereldah is the one who gave me this story idea, so thank youu


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