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Autumn Grace

My hands naturally painted the canvas in front of me, with a mind of their own. The paint brush was lightly held between my fingertips as The Killers blasted through my ears, and the sight around me soothed every nerve of my body. I glanced up at the building that stood in front of my eyes.

It was dirty, and old. A building that if a child leant up against it, the mother would scold them for touching such a spoiled wall. The dirty aura reminded me of the gum wall back home, in Seattle, Washington. Just as I saw beauty in the colorful, sticky, and saliva-filled wall at home, I found this building to be living up to its potential. This building may be dirty and dusty, but I saw the rustic, and ancient architecture throughout the browning bricks. And I took the beauty, as one might take a photo, and painted it onto a blank white canvas.

Except where as I see the sunshine reflecting around it, I painted leaves falling around it. The season of fall- Or, autumn, as they call it here in London -was the one that held the most emotion. In my opinion, that is.

As I added the finishing touches to my painting, I braided my long, auburn hair to the side. It was boring, just like the rest of my features. Light freckles speckled my cheeks and nose, along with my shoulders and arms, some would call them sun kisses, possibly a blessing. But I despised them, almost. Along with my dull green eyes, my average height, and boring (yet, rare) dark red hair only made me feel like a dark crumpled up piece of paper that was a poem gone wrong.

Dismounting my painting, I began to walk towards the building. As much I admired the building, the people who lived inside weren't as beautiful as you'd think they were. Although we were all English majors, no one seemed to really understand the art of English.

But I was alright with that.

I buzzed myself in, and climbed the multiple stairs to get to my room. Passing all of the numbered dorm doors, I pulled out my key and unlocked the room I happened to share with my newly found friend named Summer. Laugh at how iconic that the two girls, with seasonal names, were polar opposites, and shared a dorm room.

"Summer?" I called, my light voice echoing off our still-naked walls. I was hoping she was already gone to hang out with one of her friends so I could take a relaxing bath.

"Bathroom." She called back, and I caught a glimpse of her pale blonde hair bouncing into the bathroom. I peeked in as she brushed her teeth. "Did you see Luke on his way out?"

"I could have possibly passed him on my way out, but I wasn't really watching for him." I replied, watching as she switched from brushing her teeth to applying her makeup. I only wore a limited amount, for some odd reason I could only paint on paper, not on my face.

"Good. He promised me he wouldn't be caught doing the walk of shame." She giggled and I nodded as I walked into our joint room, laying my painting onto my bed.

"So, I was wondering if I could start decorating soon?" I poised the question nervously as Summer left the bathroom and entered our bedroom.

"Sure!" She smiled at me. Summer was nice enough, I've just grown timid with people until I get to know them enough to get to know me, although I was pretty much an open book. "Woah, did you paint that?"

"Yeah." I felt a light rush of blood rise in my cheeks. "I finished it this morning."

"It's beautiful. Hang up as much of your art as you want. Our dorm could be, like, an art exhibit or something." She chuckled, and gave me a tight hug. "You're so cool, Autumn. I'm excited to be best friends with another girl the has a seasonal name, and we are majoring in English! Together!"

I heard her high pitched giggle as she skipped out of the room and into the miniature kitchen we had. Sitting next to my painting, I looked at it and smiled. Maybe Summer isn't all that bad. Maybe I'm just being a little judge Judy.

Standing from the bed and lingering in the small living area as I patiently waited for Summer to leave so I could start decorating, since we started classes tomorrow and I would be way too swiped studying to even attempt making our room look nice.

"Okay, I'm off to party with all the boys." She sent me a wink, which could've been suggestive about her future plans, but I decided to ignore it. "See you tonight?"

"Uh, yeah." I nodded and shot her a quick wave as I watched her walk out the door.

When she was finally gone, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Summer put me on my toes, and I'm unsure why but it could be because I didn't want to do anything wrong.

I started to pull out some of my recent paintings into the small living area, choosing one of my favorites of the Seattle space needle with a starry sky to hang behind the miniature creme colored couch, admiring how the colors matched in their own ways.

Hanging the one I had just finished today near the door, and one of the New York City streets in the kitchen, I hummed a song that was currently stuck in my head.

Before I had realized it, it was 9 o'clock at night, and I realized I should probably go to sleep instead of fidgeting around like an idiot because it was my first real day of college- University -was tomorrow.

Hi it's Ra and I'm really excited to write this fic and the main plot line is 117% credited to Esmereldah  and she's such a brilliant writer and comes up with amazing story ideas, so I'm really excited to start this and I hope everyone enjoys it also my idea of University will probably be all wrong bc I'm just a little baby sophmore in high school so that's that.

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