Where it all started. C.1

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Ely's POV:

Was I actually going to go sit with the populars? Why was I so nervous? I was friends with most of them in junior high. After the bell rang for lunch I nervously got my lunch and walked to where Kimberley was sitting with all of her friends.

"Heeyyy. Ely this is Emily and this is Britney." Kimberley said point to two pretty brunettes.

"Hi" I said sounding a lot more confident than I am.

"Oh and this is my boyfriend Todd and his friends Harry, Kevin and Michel." She said pointing to four really hot jocks.

"Hi." I said again

"Here come take a seat beside me." Kimberley said patting a seat beside her.

"Okay." I said sitting down almost spilling my lunch.

All the people were talking to each other and I was awkwardly sitting there.

"This is so embarrassing and awkward." I thought to myself.

"Oh what classes do you have after lunch?" Emily asked me.

"Oh I have Science then French." I told her.

"Oh we have science together but then I have History." Emily said.

"Oh I have French with you. You should sit with me and Michel in French." Kimberley said

"...Okay sure." I said

"Okay great." She said clapping her hands.

"Hey didn't I see you in English." Michel asked me.

"Maybe, I don't know." I said in a sassy way

"Hahaha. Kay well I have history after lunch too." He told me

"Kay cools." I say back

Kevin taps Harry on the shoulder and they walk off.

Harry's POV:

When I got the table with my friends I could see the girl walking over.

"Why is she walking over here? Did she notice I was trying to get her attention?"

She sat with Kimberley almost spilling her lunch as she sat down. I tried to keep my laughed in. I didn't want to make her feel more embarrassed. She was actually really pretty when u really looked at her something i don't think the others noticed.

Kevin taps me on the shoulder and looks at me and tells me to walk over to the doors because he has something important to tell me.

"What?" I ask

"See the girl seating with Kimberley?" He points to Ely.

"Yah? What about her?"

"I bet you a 100 dollars that u can't get that girl to go to prom with you and become prom queen." Kevin told me.

"So you're saying that you'll give me 100 dollars if I can get her to become popular? You're on!" I yelled at Kevin.

"It won't be as easy as you think. Good luck mate." He laughed at me.

"What about Britney?" I yell to him as he slowly walks away.

"Don't worry she can go with Aiden." He yells back.

She's already sitting with the popular kids so I'm half way there. I walk back to the table and take a seat.

"What was that all about?" Britney asks me and Kevin.

"Oh nothing just guy stuff." Kevin answers.

"Okay whatever." She says

I'm sorry that this all i have for now ill try to update the next part by the end of month.  :)

~ A.j

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