Classes. C.1

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Ely's POV:

It was break. I hated break, I would quickly grab my snack and hide in the library by myself. The librarian was nice to me. I think she just feels bad for me because I didn't have many friends. I ate my snack and started reading my favourite book, Evermore. It was a great book so far I'm only half way done. I wish a hot boy could fall for a loser like me. The bell went for second period, math. I wasn't too bad at math. Oh no! I looked at my schedule I had gym third period I was terrible at gym. I hated it especially when I had the variety jocks in my gym class. They were always treating it like they were in the Olympics. Oh well I'll worry about it in third period. I ran to the class room so I could get there before the other students arrived. My teachers didn't mind this way they didn't have to put up with the other students teasing me. We had a math test this period I think I' should at least get a B+. I was the first one done but I didn't want to go up first and hand in my test. "Keep it till the end of class." I thought. The bell went for third period but I stayed be hiding so I could past in my test. I trudged off to gym class.

"What should my excuse be for this week?" I thought

I got to gym class and told Mrs. Wilson that I had hurt my back so I can't do gym. She supply said okay and told me to take a seat on the bench. I sat next to Kimberley we were friends in Junior high but we don't talk that much now.

"Heeyy." Kimberley said


"Soo... What you up to these days?" She questioned me.

"Nothing really, what do you do these days?" I asked her back.

"Oh nothing, just hang out with Britney and Emily. Who do you hang out with?" She asked

"Oh... No...One." I paused

"Oh so what do u do at lunch?" She asked another question.

"Umm...just sit in the library and read... by myself." I said almost crying

"Oh that's terrible come hang out with Britney, Emily and Me." She offered

"Umm... sure." I mumbled

"Okay see you at lunch." She smiled

"Okay see u then" I said, happy that I wouldn't sit by myself today.

Harry's POV:

It was break. I loved break but not as much as lunch. My friends and I would get our food and sit at our table.

"Heeyy." Britney greeted me.

"Hi." I said

"What class do you have next?" She asked me.

"Umm...I think math. Why?" I said

"Oh... I have history second and Math third. I guess I'll talk to u at lunch." She told me.

"Okay bye talk to u a lunch." I said and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Okay Byee. Love you." She said blushing

I walked off to math class and took a sit in the middle row. The same girl that I saw in English was sitting in the corner again. We had a math test this period. Pretty sure I aced it. I think I was the first one done. After I handed my test in I just sat and read a book that was in my desk. The bell for third period went. I had gym, the best part of the day. We were playing capture the flag girl against boys. I was running to go get the flag when I noticed the same girl. Was she in all of my classes? How did I not see her before today? I just pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and continued playing. The game finished as the bell rang, the boys won as they usually do.

We all headed for the changing rooms when the bell went. I stayed back and helped the teacher pick up the equipment. On my way to the changing room I say the girl leaving, I tried to get her attention but it was hard because I didn't know her name.
Stay tuned for more, coming right up after this short little message.
I don't really know if this story is any good so sorry in advanced if it sucks.

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