The Morning C.1

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Chapter one

Harry's POV:

I woke up to my little brother hitting me in the face with his pillow.

"Get up! It's 7!" My little 4 year old brother Mike yelled in my ear.

"Okay! I'll be downstairs in a bit." I told him

"Okay." He said as he ran downstairs

Ugghh! School again today! I whined to myself.

I slowly got out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey sweetie." My mum greeted me

"Hey mum." I said grabbing a bowl from the counter and poured my cereal.

I finish my cereal and headed up stairs to get dressed.

"Harry! You're going to be late for school! I hear my mum yelling at me

"Okay mum be down in a few." I said grabbing my backpack and coat.

My mum handed me the keys to my new truck she had bought me for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. It was a shiny new blue Ford truck.

I pulled into the parking space near the path. I hopped out to see my friend Joe. He always walked to school; I guess you could if you lived less than two minutes away.

"Hey Harry." He waved.

"Hey Joe." I waved back.

Joe and I don't talk very much we just hang out at football practice.(American Football)

"Ring, Ring. Ring, Ring." The bell rang for us to go to first period.

I took a seat next to my best friend Kevin and my girlfriend Britney. We all had English first period together.

Class should go by fast, probably because I always talk to Kevin all class.

"Don't you hate being at school?" Kevin taped me on the shoulder and asked.

"Not really." I turned around and replied

"I do it sucks, how can u like going to school?" He said again

"I don't like getting up but once I'm here I'm fine. I actually like working."

"Ok, Nerd." He said in a cough.

I turned back around and got back to work. But just when I did someone caught my eye. It was the girl that sat alone in the back of the room. She was trying to hold in her laughter.

What could she be laughing at? I thought.

The bell went for us to go to break.

Ely's POV:

I woke up when I fell out of bed.

"Ely you up yet." I hear my mum yelling at me from down the hall.

"I'll be there in a few." I yelled to her.

"Ughh, I so don't want to go to school today." I whined to myself.

I got up off the floor and went to the kitchen.

"There's some toast in the pantry if your brother saved u any." She laughed

I walked into the pantry. I looked around forbread but couldn't find any.  My 13 yearold brother must have eaten it all. I grab my favourite cereal instead. Ifinished it in a hurry so I won't be late. I dashed down to my bedroom to pickout some clothes. I put on a pair of plain blue pants and matched it with myfavourite black hoodie. I grabbed the keys of my dresser and ran out the door.I decided to walk today instead. One the way to school I was crossing thestreet and all most got hit. Some stuck up popular rich boy in a blue Fordtruck ran a red light. As I reached the front door of school the bell rang togo to first period. I had English first. That was one of the only classes I likedand was good at. I sat in the back corner of the class so no one would talk tome. Not like they would if I did sit near them. I was trying to Pay attentionwhen I heard Harry the most popular guy in our school say he liked school. Iwas so confused. I thought popular jocks like him and his friends didn't likeschool. Just after that his best friend from kindergarten called him a nerd. I almost laughed my head off at that point. When Harry turned around he looked at me for a quick second. I quickly turned the other way.

I hope he didn't see me laughing at him. I thought to myself.

Before class ended the teacher announced that we are going to be doing a project. He said we could do it in partners if we wanted but, no one ever asks me to be there partner. The bell rang and I quickly got up out of my seat and dashed into the hallway to get to my locker.

That's all I have so far.

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