Walk through the woods

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Raven and Ocatavia said that they would come to the woods, but they wanted to pack their things now so that they could leave later without worrying. So currently, Clarke and I were walking towards the woods. We weren't that far as i could see the opening where a few of the trees seperated. I tensed slightly when i felt an hand touch my arm but relaxed immediately when i realized it was clarke. She hooked her arm around mine and leaned into me slightly as we walked. It seemed like it was so natural to her as if it were something she did everyday. She hadn't even seemed to realize she'd done it. I ignored it and carried on walking. Soon, we had reached the border of the woods. Clarke turned to face me and nodded her head towards the woods. 'Come on. I remember the way to the tree house pretty well' she grinned.
'Memory as sharp as an elephants' i chuckled. She grinned and we continued to walk through the woods. As we got deeper in through the trees I realised i could hear the sound of water. 'What is that? We're in the middle of the woods' she chuckled at me and shook her head.
'Come on'. She continued to walk forward and i followed closely behind her. After about two minuets she stopped suddenly, catching me off balance and making ne fall forward. She grabbed my arms as i fell towards her and i looked up to her. We stayef like that fir another ten seconds before i pulled back. 'Uh, thanks. For catching me.' She smiled. Then my eyebrows drew together in confusion. 'Um, what exactly caused you to stop and turn so fast it made me nearly fall?' She looked at me sheepishly and chuckled.
'Ha, funny story. I wanted to stop and make you close your eyes as a surprise but it was a sudden thought and i guess i just turned straight away'
I laughed at her story and closed my eyes, 'continue then. Just please don't knock me to the floor' i heard her laugh then grab my hand and walk forward.we walked about ten more steps before she stopped and let go of my hand. 'Open your eyes' so i did.
When i opened my eyes i did not expect to see such beauty before me. There was a wide stream running through the woods. I could see a waterfall further down and hanging from one tree a thick rope. I turned back to clarke but could no longer see her. I turned around to look for her until i saw her over by the rope hanging from the tree. Not only was she ober there but she'd taken off her jacket and pants leaving her in just her underwear. I kept myself from staring too long. 'What are you doing!' I asked her, worried she'd fall.
'We put this swing here a couple of years ago one summer, it's fine though. Watch, I'll show you' with that she grabbed the rope and swung. She let go half way across the lake and did a flip before landing in the lake. After a couple of seconds he head popped up and she was smiling at me. With the sun reflecting on the surface if the water her blonde hair -even though it was wet- looked even brighter and her blue eyes shone. 'Wt are you waiting for? Take off your pants and have a go! It's fun. O and raven probably haven't even left yet and they know where to meet us they'll be fine.' I hesitated for a moment before taking off my pants and going to the rope swing. I quickly ran and jumped holding onto the swing until i got to about half way and dived into the water. I came back up and was face to face with clarke. She had a mischievous grin plastered on her face but before i could question what she was doing, a splash if water hit my face. I gasped and then grinned myself. I splashed her back. And tried to swim away. I hid behind a rock and closed my eyes, trying to catch my breath. When i opened them clarke was infront of me. We were both grinning widely and staring at eachother. As we continued to stare i realized our grins started to drop. She was only about five inches away from me. There was no way for me to mobe bavk and i didn't want to, and even with the space behind her, i don't think clarke did either. After about another ten seconds of staring she moved closer to me slowly, her breath hitting my face. Within seconds she was closed the gap. My arms wrapped around her waist and hers around my neck, playing with bits of my hair. The kiss was soft and gentle but still had pasion. The kiss broke after about two minuets so we could both breath. Neither if us moved from the position we were in though. Afraid that if we did this would have been fake and never happened. Eventually we realized that we had to move soon or the others would get suspicious or bored. 'We should head to that den of yours before the other two womder where we are' she looked sad fir a moment but smiled and nodded. We reluctantly pulled away from eachother and walked towards our clothes. We pulled on our pants and clarke carried her leather jacket and looked at me with a smile. 'Come on, let's go find thing one and thing two' she chuckled and started to walk. Well that was an unexpected moment. I'm not complaining though

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