digging for info

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Picture of Octavia

Clarke's P.O.V

We all went up the stairs to lexas room. I don't know why I didn't make a move back at my house. I don't even know why I even thought about making a move. Maybe it was just the moment, the fact that I told her about my dad. I don't know. I'm just glad Octavia showed up when she did. I didn't know what I was doing. She only just met me and in Noway would like me that way. Not that I like her in that way. Do I? I mean, maybe I do. When we first met, we just clicked. We get along so easily. She's so pretty and so kind. It's probably a highschool crush. But I can't help thinking that maybe it's something more. I don't know her enough though, so I'm glad that I didn't kiss her.

'C! Snap out of it! You've been staring into space for the last five minutes.' Raven told me, snapping her fingers in my face.


'What were you even thinking about?' She asked me. I looked down and I could feel the heat on my cheeks. I heard Octavia chuckle.

'Leave her alone, Reyes. She's obviously thinking of someone special.' I hit her arm. Lexa looked down.

'What's up lex?' I asked her. She looked up at me and smiled a bit.

'Nothing. I was just thinking.' I looked in her eyes but decided to just leave it. 'I'm gonna go have a shower, I'll be back in a minute.'

'Okay.' We said in unison. lexa stood up and walked out of the room. I heard a door shut and the faint sound of running water. 'So Clarke, what's the deal between you and Lexa?' octavia asked me.I looked to Raven but she was just smirking at me.

'i don't get it.' I told them, hoping that they would believe me.

'Oh come on Clarke! Don't play dumb with us. We know you better than anyone and that means we can tell when you like someone.'

'Well obviously i like Lexa. She's a good friend, just like you guys.' that's when Raven stepped in.

'Clarke. you know we didn't mean you just like her. You like like her.'

'Guys, whatever feelings I have for Lexa they don't matter. It's just a highschool crush. plus, she probably doesn't feel the same way.' i told them. They shared a look and looked back at me.

'whatever you say, clarkaroo. Plus, we totally knew you had a crush on her.' i laughed at her but hit her arm.

'I told you not to call me that.' Raven stood up and grabbed her baggy tank top and a pair of shorts.She pulled her t-shirt over her head and started to get changed. O stood up and did the same. I went to pull my T-shirt over my head when I heard Lexa's voice.

'Guys, i think i left my top in here. Have you guys seen it?' I turned to face her but looked away when i saw she had a pair of jogging bottoms on and a sports bra. I looked around and saw it near me. I picked it up and held it out to her. 'Here you go'. She came over to me and took it from me, leaving sparks where her fingers brushed my hand. she thanked me and pulled it over her head. She walked over to her bed and sat down so I pulled my top off and went in my bag to find my t-shirt. Once i found it, i put it on and changed into my shorts. 'umm, just so youu know, my bed won't take four people. two f us are gonna have to sleep on the floor.' Lexa told us. Almost immediately Raven and Octavia said 'We will!'. I shot them a look knowing that they did it on purpose.

'So, what are we gonna do?' i asked.

'Welll, we all want to get to know each other and have fun. How about a game of spin the bottle?' Raven suggested. once again i knew that this could only end badly.

'Sounds like a plan' Lexa told them.

Great. How badly will this end?

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