She was hugging me and not trying to kill me

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When we were five minutes away from school we walked around the corner and ran into... Finn? 'What are you doing here?' Clarke asked, clearly annoyed he was in our way.

'Clarke. Come back to me? I still love you.' I felt a feeling in my chest that I didn't recognize.

'Finn, no! I told you before, I'm not going to get back with you. Take no for a hint.'

'Why? Why won't you come back?' He looked genuinely upset. It was kind of sad.

'Because, one, I stopped loving you. The feelings for you left. Two, you didn't tell me about Raven then cheated on me with her. I like raven. We're friends. But you, you hurt me and I don't feel a spark. So no, I won't come back to you. Stop asking me because it's a waste of my time and yours. You may choose to spend your time following Murphy around like a dog, but I actually have friends' she said putting her arm over my shoulder, 'I'm was
ting my breath every time I speak to you and it's getting tiring. Stop.' With that she pulled me forward with her and we continued the rest if the walk to school.

As we walked into the school building the bell rang signalling that we had to go to class. Again, we had English first period. We walked to jaha's lesson and walked to our seats and sat ready for the lesson. I took a glance at Clarke who was looking at the board. I smiled to myself and turned to look back to the front.

~~~~(skipping to lunch because I can't be bothered to write lessons)~~~~

Clarke and I walked into the cafeteria and walked over to the table with our friends on, ignoring the stare from Finn. I sat down on the end of the table and Clarke sat next to me. 'Hey' I said to them.They all said hello back.

'Nice jacket Clarke!' Octavia said. Clarke nodded.

'Thanks, Lexa gave it to me.' I blushed when octavia looked at me so I looked away.

'Clarke's sleeping over mine tonight, do you guys want to come?' I asked them. 'We could get to know each other better.' I looked at octavia.

'Sure, I'm in.' I looked to raven who nodded.

'I'd love to come!' I smiled at my friends but Bellamy moved so his head was infront of octavias.

'Does this invite stretch to me?'

'Bell, the point of a sleepover is so I can talk about you, without you hearing it. Stop being so weird.' Octavia said pushing Bellamy away from her. He pouted at her and looked at me.

'Sorry. But I'm afraid octavia's right. Just the girls.' I shrugged. He sighed and gave up. 'I'm taking clarke to go pick up her stuff after school, you can either come with us, or meet us at my house. They looked at each other.

'We'll meet you at your house.' Raven told me. I nodded in agreement. 'I'll meet. You at the main entrance after last period and we can walk to your house.'

'Actually, I can gibe you a lift in my car if you want? It would be quicker and easier for you. Raven has her own car to drive so she can go and get her pajamas and I'll be mine after. I have to go past Clarke's house anyway to get to my house.' Octavia told us.

'Yeah, that would be nice, thanks.' I told her. Clarke had been quiet for a while. 'You okay clarke?' I asked, putting my hand on hber back.

'I'm fine. I need to go.' She got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I stood up and told them where I live and that I'd meet loop by the entrance. I quickly followed after clarke. She had gone around two corners but I found her eventually. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder, she turned around to face me and I looked at her with concern.

'Clarke. What's wrong? Why are you so upset?' She looked at me.

'Nothing. I just thought that we were hoping to have a sleepover just us. It's fine that you invited our friends but I was kind of looking forward to spending time with you on my own.'

'Clarke, you're staying for the whole weekend. I only asked for them to stay tonight. We'll still have Saturday and Sunday night without them. I just thought it would be nice to have them for one day so we can all get closer and know each other better.' A small smile grew on her face which made her look a million times better. 'There we go. There's that smile that I like so much' she giggled and smiled more.

'I guess you're right. I would like for them to know you better. I over reacted.I guess it just upset me for some reason. I think it was all the drama with finn this morning.But you fixed it. Thank you!' She suddenly pulled me into a tight hug, but I hugged her back when I grasped the fact that she was hugging me and not trying to kill me.

'okay, ... Loosing.... Oxygen.... And .... Possibility... To breath....' She let me go and we started to laugh. 'I'll meet you at the entrance then. See you in an hour' and we turned and walked to our classes.

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